Communication & Works Department Lahore Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE & Wr#.5 9 L*ae b bæd ilom pettrgtage lah&bulle DKT the tom fre I harcid in te categ«y specäil&n shi w&bullnal PEC Iconse hm&bully rebvmt specuaatøo costs. hav,ng code be ine 'urtet s b czrixl cut Mnrgh EPADS (E.PA Acqu"an Eid b Punji PITB A1 iNetested ap*äMs are .ird to registeron EPADS b Ice pan&mdasham bde Mn ve me,le '*stem' on EPADS md Prccuretterg *tory Authcdy (FRA) The ONIT. nut be on EPADS as per sh*rw gogectiw Oddes ernestmc«y 1m a CORI C.aüiers of my ot DMT pa$.xe cgjna 2% CORIE'lk b / Terde te onire "s wi rd Cmdi&YA rd exnest te rvctu The onhe 00 he web sie and the the ofte of the by repectie Camittee (TCC) at he retentates hawg zestet Pow Atwneymd to The may reject at Of ire b tid is reqüed those graza LZt 14092024 ultmpu %emg of 140.m24 EiBiMCut 1. Ekvatim Cormøex P'.ri* Lahote (Teatz Seoal puiab (EARLY CHLOHOOO COMPLEX Superintending Engineer 128.0". S,ENamo *22A2t224 Noseso Executive Engineer 5th Buildings Division Lahore IPL. 8135 O Buildings Circlc No.3 Lahore ewspaper from Nawaiwaqt dated 29 August, 2024
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