National Highway Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NO ro CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (PUNJAB.NORTH REGION. CENTRAL ZONE) INVITATION TO BIDS 03x SPECIAL MAINTENANCE WORKS FOR REPAIR/MAINTENANCE OF ADJOINING ROADS CONNECTING G.T ROAD (N-5) Hifiva.y Authority INHAJ invites Bids tram tt•r 'Atitl Oepenmert and who are on A.ctve Taxpayers ot Federal Board ot ard Registered Pakistan Etgiaeerin:g Council for Year 2024-25 Bid Secutiti' to R•rees Ot ES.trt•ote 107 each Stape Ot POCOR in taver C" AllhOfity tRO*d MiiNenance Fund-Security Oopositr. ceta.i:lS ate as LA'der: • ENGINEERS ESTIMATE RS. OF ADJOINING CONNECTING ROAD FROM TOWN PULL TO HAJI OF ADJOINING fiOAO CONNECTING G.T 2 FROM SHAHORA KACHERY TOSHAHDARA TOWN OF ADJOINING 3 FROM TIMBER MARKET TO TRUCK AOOA RAVI ROAD CONNECTING ON SWPN. S,WPN. -02 SWPN. etc CATEGORY ct.'0J ct.10J ct.10J 2. 8kWi•g Ot Procurement (Singte Stan TWO Envelopes). terms aM etc will be ava.ilawe Ct' trte W&te wow ICt downtb*fing [tee 01 Eiders are axo to tCGw the said iA'tbGde 'Ct cd sctEJe if 3. wah irsructb.ns in ttE prewaMÉatjon cacwrema must teen at die Mdress oo or t)elace 13, 2024 till 1100 recrncal us wa ee opened on tne sarre day at 1130 Hours in Ot or Represerøatves- 4- incorrect iMCtma.bon Shau to OquaifE*ian and/or legal action. Ang ault lims be considued as bidde•t S. NHA reserves to all Bids as per PPRA 6. AJI urms are adMi3*d to get EPAOS CPPRA) registration at as MMU*I Bid.'PtoposaVAPPUcatiort IH*d COPY} WW bt wpcomiØ procurements. 7. iS aso ava.øat& on PPRA at •w.ppra, GENERAL MANAGER (MAINTENANCE) PUNJAB-NORTH Natonal Highway Alfrtcrfri' Shahpur Interchange. Th0kar Niaz Baig Multan Road. tarate Tel: 042-99232556. Erna': O Newspaper• ( 29 Aug, }024) from Dunya dated 29 August, 2024
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