Water & Sanitation Services Peshawar Tender Notice for Procurement Of Scrap Vehicles Zone B,,Scrap Vehicles Zone c ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WSSP WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES PESHAWAR GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Notice for Re-Auction of scrap Vehicles Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar (WSSP) intends to dispose of the following unserviceable / Scrap Vehicles Of WSSP on "AS IS" atWHERE IT IS" basis through open auction which will be held at respective mentioned zone / location as perfOllowingschedule. Lot Nature of Auction items Scarp vehicles Zone B Scarp vehicles Zone C Auction date / Time and Place September 24, 2024, at 10&bull30 Am at WSSP Workshop-Wazirbagh Road Near Janazgah Address of Scrap Inspection location and focal person mobile number Workshop-Wazirbagh Zone-B (Fleet Officer Mr. Sabir Iqbal (Cell# 0300 5309818) i,Zone-C Parking Yard, Ring Road, Bahadar Kaley Road. iii Hazarkhani Park Mr. Aimal Khan (Cell# 03 15-5949440 (Fleet Officer) Bid Security 300,000 200,000 l) The applying / interested bidders will be required to submit a call deposit as bid security in the name of Chief Executive Officer WSSP, Bank of Khyber Phase&mdashIII Chowk Hayatabad (IBAN # PK49 KHYB 0083 0020 0915 28761 on or before date of auction mentioned in the above table, along With copy of CNIC, Contact details. The call deposit sha unded to unsuccessful bidder after completion of the auction process. The auctioo w held on the date / time and address mentioned in the above table, Only call deposit in me ofChief Executive Officer WSSP will be accepted. 2) Bidders are advised to inspect vehicles sc auction date and time and bidders are registration to WSSP. e location / address mentioned above prior of ed to bring copy of CNIC and CDR at the time of 3) The highest ranked bidder will be reå@red to deposit one-fourth (1/4th) Of the bid amount with WSSP on thesameday in shapeof e and draft, CDR orCash depositdirectedlyin WSSP 80k Bank Account in the name ofChief e t Officer WSSP, BankofKhyber Phase&mdashIII Chowk Hayatabad, otherwise his bid shall b si ered as cancelled and security amount shall stand forfeited in favorofWSSP. to deposit the remaining bid amount within I-days of approval Of bid, 4) The highest bidder wi otherwisethede i dll/4th} and security amount shall standfOrfeited- 5) Base priceinclus all government applicable taxes to bean nounced at the time of auction. 6) The successfu Idder will be required to collect all the scrap material immediately by deputing their own reso cesafter award of contract and if the site is not cleared by the successful bidder within 10-15 working days, penalty may be posed. 7) All types of security and safety measures shall be the responsibility of the successful bidders & WSSP will not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained or caused to scrap material after auction. 8) The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject the bid or bids assigning cogent reason thereof, GENERAL MANANGER (HR/Admin/Procurement (WSSP), Local Government Complex, Plot no 33, Street 13, Sector E-8, Phase-VII* Hayatabad, Peshawar. Phone#: 091. 9219098 Ext:121 O ewspaper ug, zu from Aaj dated 29 August, 2024
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