Public Health Engineering Division Karak Tender Notice 2 for Procurement Of Firms, Supply Installations,Testin And Commissioning Of Solar Based Pumping Machinery ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION KARAK.I KHYBER PAKHTUNKWA NOTICE FOR INVITING TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL PROPOSALS Public Health Eng•neennq Division Karak-l intends to inwte Technical & Financial Proposals on the basis Of single Stage two envelope systems from the pre-qualified firms already notified by the Chief Engineer South (Chairman ot the Committee) tor supply, installation, testing and commissioning ot the solar based pumping machinery to be installed on the water supply schemes under various Programme, Detail ot scheme is as under; - sno 1 2 3 Description Package-I, Solar Based WSS under KADP funds 2021-2022, IMRS 2022) Package-2 Solar Based WSS under KADP funds 2021-2022. IMRS 2022) Packaged, Solar Based WSS under ADP & KAOP funds 2021-2022, {MRS 2022) No. of Scheme Opening Date 04 Nas 04 Nos 04 Nas 16/09/2024 Scheme wise list, Technical Specification and the design parameters of pumping mach inery for each of the water supply scheme all other terms and condition are given in the bidding documents. Bidders may obtain bidding documents and further information fiorn office of the Executive Engineer PHE Division Karak-l on any working day before the closing date. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 10. CONDITIONS; Technical Design should be based on Hydraulic Parameters of the scheme provided in the bidding documents and rates sho uld be quoted accordi ngly in financial bid. Last date of bid submission is 16/09/2024, at 1400 Hours. Technical Bids will be opened at 14:00 hours on the same day. by the bids evaluation/Procurement committee in the office of Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Karak-l. in the presence of bidders or their representa- o d to attend. Oate of financial bid opening shall be intimated ngly. The contractors quoting their bidvnore than 100(öie w up to 20% below on Engineers Estimate, shall submit along•vith their Gids' BO,' Additional Security Of Engineers Estimated cost in addition to 2% bi ecurit9in light Of KPPRA Notification 58-71 da 5/2022, in case the bidder quotes more than below than Engineer Estihldte nd bid is not accompanied by detail rate analysis and or required amount Ot Additional Security then the said bid shall be considered as nan-responsive and all-toesecurities submitted along with such non responsive bid shall be forfeited irr faOoÜr'ot Govt If a contractor quoting bid more below shall subnlitwith his bid an additional Sfequal to the diffial amount of submitted bid security on Engineers Esti and Engineers estimate h detailed rate analysis, In case of more than 20% below bids, itthe hid is n ompanied by the detailed rate analysis and/ or required amount ot additional seéurlty, then the said bid shall be considered as non-responsive ities submitted along with such non-responsive hid shall be and thus all the s forfeited in tävou of overnment and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be i ly, In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bid is in view considered a ot the Procuring ntity, not conVincing, the Head of the Procuring Entity may declare such bidNg -Responsive. Biddingnen erdccuments fee of Rs. 4000'- as per Govt. rules shall be payable through CDR {non-refundable} inthe name of Executive Engineer PHE division Karak•l. Bidders must be registered with KPRA and shall have renewed their registration, This tender notice is also available on PHEO website Other terms & condition can be obtained from the office 01 the undersigned on any working day, before last date of submission 01 bids. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any cr all bids assigning cogent reasons on request cf bidder if any. The Successful Bidders shall continue the work within 15 days positively after receipt 01 written work order il lunds are available EXECUTIVE ENGINEER INF P 2232124 PUBLIC HEALTH ENGG: DIVISION KARAK-I O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) , from Aaj dated 29 August, 2024
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