Karakoram International University Gilgit Baltistan Tender Notice for Supply Installation & Fixation Of Lab Equipments,Machinery,Survey Lab,Rock Machine,Geology Lab,Mine Ventilation Labs ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Karakoram International University Gilgit Baltistan Tender Notice Supply/ Installation & Fixation of Lab Equipment Karakoram International University (KIO) Gilgit, Pakistan is a public sector University established under the Presidential order 2002.KlU invites tenders from Manufacturers / Importers / Suppliers through their authorized agents/dealers in Pakistan for supply and installation of Lab Equipment for various Labs of following Engineering departments. Departments Mining Engineering Department Laboratories Lab Equipment of Mine Machinery & Survey Lab, Mine safety Lab, Rock Mechanics Lab, Geology Lab, Mine Ventilation Lab. Civil Engineering & Technology Department Laboratories Geo Tech lab, Engineering Material & Concrete lab, Engineering Surveying & Drawing Studio Lab, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Hydrology & Hydraulics Lab, Transportation Lab, Workshop Training Lab. Fordetails of above laboratories equipment please visit bid document):- Terms and conditions are as under:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. c For this tender PPRAIs Para 36(b) "Single Stage two envelope bidding procedure for technical and financial bids will be followed". Tender should be sealed. Detailed bid documents can be obtained from tor Purchases on payment of Rs.2000/- as non-refundable bid documents fee or may be download from the Univeritfyyebsite The equipment will be selected against item (s)-wise lowest rate of each firm, who will stand 1 st lowest for the items. Ambiguous, conditional and voidtenders arela eto be rejected. Bidders haveto quote only one option, Bid vjng more than one option will be treated as non-responsive. University reservesthe rights to reject/ efthetenderas perClause330fPublic ProcurementRules,2004. Sealed tenders along with security t money Rs. 500,000/- for civil Lab Equipment and Rs. 700,000/- for Mining Lab Equipment in shape of call dee&bull fr m any scheduled bank in favor of Karakoram International University Gilgit should be reached in the office of the ungéßigned by September 18, 2024 (11 AM) by Registered courier, which will be opened in presence of the committeq@ehbers and bidders at 1 1 AM on the same date. Taxes will be deducted urce as per rules (if applicable). The selected bidder ( und to provide original bill of landing/entry and paid importtax etc. Bidders will havetoiii vide documentary verifiable evidence regarding authorized agent/dealership ofthe manufacture. All the prices should be quoted in Pakistani rupees (prices should be included of tax, duties, levies, Insurance & inland freight etc The prospective supplier has to execute an agreement with the University that he will provide the item as per quality and quantity prescribed in the bid documents beforethe supply orderis issued. Successful bidder (s) is bound to deliver the equipments at KIU Main store Gilgit Campus at his own cost and risk. In case of any query please contact Assistant Director Procurement on following phone number and email address: - Phone: - 05811-960011 Ext 231 Email: [email protected] PID (G) 51/24 ewspaper (Nouman Butt) Treasurer ug, from Pakistanobserver dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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