Punjab Highway Department Sialkot Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** P.UNJAO HIGHWAY_DEPARTMENT TENDER_NOTICE The tcndors lot thc 10110wnno schemes ato tnvitnd trom Engineet•nq / contractors on tho 'tom rates basm, as por PPIM E-rcndonno PPRA Rules (amended updated} Accotdino 10 thc rc!cvant contractors can pattcvpato In pt0CCS9 rollovano and . 1 2 3 5 6. 7, B. 9 Sr. NO Thc jntcndtng Contractors/F•rmg who havo boon towstcrod Pakistan Enoineorlno Council .n the relevant category 'cories for Y 7074.7% can partrcvpate •n E•tendenno though Pun;ab PPRA wob51to Thc interested Contractors' Fems have to bo registcrcd on PunJab PPR*t€ punjab eprocure gov pkj Any irdormation / proceduro regarding can be seen obtained from webSJtc (ppravunjab,gov pÜo,ptocutcmcntJ All intending contractors / fitrns have to upload thc earnest money rn the shape of CDR in favour of the Executrve Engineer Highway OM5ton S•atkot @2% ot the estmatCd bid cost and till rates against items work an the same upto half hour bctore opening dato and time of apenino of tender. However. onænal CDR has to bo submitted to Tcndet Opening on the same day. hall hour before thc openmo of bld5 othemnse. the Mcontractat bc dvsqua'lf:cd I ptesence or tender opening cornm•ttee. After tilling tho bids on webs•te€ contractors attend tho office or Supenntondvr•.g Eng[neer. Highways Circle. Gujranwala on 130912024 at 02:30PM. where an bids will bo retnoved ana quotee rates w bc*innounccd in thc presence of Tender Opemng In case of subrn/#'on of any Iakå'åÅjet aton [document such as CDR'recetpt. lhe Contractor Firm be from tho tendering ptot0duro and black listed to participato in any process ot C,.8W Department Further recommendation to PPHA a;" PEC also bc made aoagnst such arrn contractar for appropriate action Stack.bsting Pcdormance Guarantee be received in Shapc ot Poy OtdCt, Bank Oran / Cash 01 in shape of Bank Cuaranlee (valid OJ-months beyond the compeetjon date} Pedormance Guaranteecsucd oy Insuranco Companies not bc accepted The ptocunng agency may reject atl bids or proposal ot any ume pnor to acceptance of a Old Or proposals under PPRA Ru'e•35 (Rejection ot Bids). AS per clarification from Finance Departjnent. No Price Variation is admissrble on MAR works of standard contract agreement is not applicable Recovery against credit of old material w,ll be adjusted manually and accord,ngvy bids wi bu.eva/uatod. amo ot Work T.S NO. & Completion Estimated Datc CECN) Specibl Rcpait of road from No SR12023. Kalaswala 10 Oad,owali Via gakhlpur unk Road Tayab Bhuna (Length Pcriod cost Earnest Money (RSiin million) .10' 597 %-Months 2 032 Oponlng Dato a Timo 12.92024 02 30 pm Sia'k0V292 z s 33 In Sialkot U'age...JÆY O Newspaper (28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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