Institute Of Child Health Multan Tender Notice for Procurement Of Bulk Purchase Of Medicines,Purchase Of Surgical and Disposable Items,Purchase Of Lab Kits and Chemicals,Purchase Of General Store Items,Purchase Of Accessories and Biomedical Equipments ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDEN THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL & THE INSTITUTE OF CHILD MULTAN 01 tjatcd No TENDER NOTICE F.Y2024-25 INVITATION FOR BIDS Medical Superintendent of The Children's Hospital & the Institute of Child Health Multan invites tine registered firrtE for the procurement of under mentioned items cn F.O.R basis the F.Ye2024-2S. Interested eligible bidder may get the bidding docunents & specification regarding tenders frctm the Purchase Section of this hospital after submitting application an firm's letter pad with the payment of amount Rs.2000/• {Non- Refundable} Tender selling will be started from the date of advertisement. Firms WII submit their tenders in the Auditorium (New Block) of this hospital as per schedule given below. Tender Opening procedure will be conducted in the presence 01 bidders and Tender Opening Committee according tc the given timing, TENDER suaMlTTING OPENING Estimatod 2. NAME OF TENDER Walk-in Ressirili*) Purchase at and Surpcd Disposable etc. on Lne:al purch•se oa•y h,asis) FIT B'S Pord Waten Regisvatazn Purchase ot arid Surgical Oispesatåe Items etc, Limited through pre-qualification Of firms for supply cd Sahu12 Program ISSP) Medic,ine & S items Pharmacy) TENDER 10:00 A.M TIME 10:30 A-M & OATE GIVEN & DATE GIVEN z BELOW: 1-09-2024 00 7024 BELOW 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 cost 2.5M 26 M 05 M Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 ender sale will start from the of advertiseme From Pharmacies hawing yal!d.prug Saves License (DSL) for Sr- Nc. t. From Manufacturers of the Fore€n Principals j' Distributors for Sr. No. 2, Procurement shall be gove/ned by Purtab Procurement Rules 2014 {Ameneed up to date). All bids should be in tape Of ring binding. BidS "h'th loose papers shall be rejected straightway. All documents Shaul contain proper page marking, attached in sequences as indicated tot evaluation in the bidding nature of authorized person. Moreover, signing and stamping of each page of bidding documents an documents ndatory othemise bid shall be rejected straigh7,vay, Single stage ging e envelope bidding procedure will be applied, The bidder hOuld submit anginal bid security 2% CDR'8ank Guarantee (refundable) estimated cast along with The Children's Hospital & The Institute of Child Health Multan to oonfrm the CDR attachment. The undersigned may reject all bide or proposals at any prior to acceptance bid or proposal, The undersigt•ed Ghall upon request communicate to any bidder the grounds for its rejection of bid proposals but shall not be required to justify those grounds. In case the date of opening of bidding documents is declared as a public holiday by lhe Govetnment or non- workjng day due to any reason. the next offvSal warking day shall be deemed to be the oate Of submission and opening of bids accctdingIY. The time and venue same. All terrns & cor•ditions given in the bidding dccuments»' Guidelines for Local Purchase of Medicines/ Surgical Disposab'es etc. on Day to nay Basis and through Quotation vide letter No SO (P-I)/HFPTQ2023 Procurement Wing dated 09-01-2023 wilf be 2) All terms & conditions given in the tender documents; biddiro documents will be applicable. O Newspaper (28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
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