Institute Of Child Health Multan Tender Notice 2 for Procurement Of Bulk Purchase Of Medicines,Purchase Of Surgical and Disposable Items,Purchase Of Lab Kits and Chemicals,Purchase Of General Store Items,Purchase Of Accessories and Biomedical Equipments ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL & THE INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH, MULTAN 001-0201431-35 No, TENDER NOTICE F.Y. 024-25 INVITATION FOR BIDS 24 Medical Superintendent of The Children's [logpital & 1110 Institute of Child Hoallh Multan invites the registered firms for the procurement of under mentioned Itamg on F,OTR basis (or the F.Y.2024-25, Interested eligible bidder may got the bldding documents & specification regarding tenders from the Purchase Section of this hospital after submitting application on firm's Ictlor pad with tho payment of amount Rs.2000/- (Non- Refundablc).Tendor selling will bo stariod from tho dato of advortlsomont. Firms will submit their tenders in the Auditoriurn (New Block) Of this hospital as per schedula given belm•;. Tender Opening procedure will be conducted in the presence of bidders and Tender Opening Committee accotding to the given timing TENDER SUBMITTING TENDER 1. 2. 3. s. 6. NAME OF TENDER Bulk Purchase Of MediCine Items) 2" a Time Re-tender Bulk Purchase of Surgical & •posablo Items Remalfii Items Time Re-tend&' Bulk Purcnase of Lab Kits & Time Re-tender Purcnase oÜCardi010gy Intervention & Surgery {Remgir,irtg Items) Time Retender Burg purchase Of General tore 'terns Remaini Items 1" Time Re.tender NO. TIME: -10:00 A.M & DATE GIVEN BELOW: 11-09-2024 fl.oo.2024 11-09-2024 1-09-2024 11-09-2024 t 1-00-2024 TENDER OPENING TIME: 10:30 A.M & DATE GIVEN BELOW t 109-2024 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 11-09-2024 t 1-09-2024 Estimatod cost 179 M 81 M 03 M 20M 02 M Bulk Purchase of A.coessories Equipment's {Remaining Items) 1• Time Odical Note: Tender sale will startfrom he dato of advertisement. 1- 2. 3. 4, 5. 7. 8. 10. 11, 12, Procurement shall be governed by Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (Amended up to date). Firms are advised to bind their bids along wittU*toper paqe marking before the submission of tender. and TINANC'AL PROZOSAL" in bold and legible The envelopes as letters to avoid conf0510h. Single stage two envelopes bidding procedure will be applied. Initially only VTECHNICAL PROPOSAL" envelopes shan be cpened. The envelopes marked •FINANCIAL PROPOSAL' shall be the custody of procuring agency without being opened. Technical evaluation procedure will be adopted according to PPRA Rule 37, The bidder should submit original bid security along "hth EFINANCIAL PROPOSAL' in the shape Of CDR/8ank Guarantee in the nameof Me<ical The Children's Hospital & The Institute of Child Health Muttan. The bidder shall furnish 2% COPJBank Guarantee (refundable} of estimated cost compulsorily along v/th Financial Proposal and photocopy with Technical Proposal to confirm the COR attachment. Financaal Offer includes all taxes, Conditional offer or without taxes offer wfll be rejected. The undersigned may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal The undersigned shall upon request communicate to any bidder the grounds for its rejection of bid proposals but shall not be required to justify those grounds. In case the date of opening of bidding documents is dedared as a public holiday by the Government or non-working day due to any reason, the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of submission and opening of bids accordingly. The time and venue remain same. All terms & conditions given in the tender documents } bidding documents will be applicable. O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
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