Planning & Development Department Peshawar Tender Notice for Procurement Of Supply installation and Commissioning Of Labs,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel Hybrid Solar System ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Project Director Office FATA Infrastructure Program Erstwhile FATA Secretariat Warsal< Road, Khyber Pakhtunl<hwa Peshawar Tender Invitation Notice PMU-FIP, P&D Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar intends to invite Bids under National Colnpetitive Bidding (NCB) from Manufacturers, Authorize Dealers, Sole Distributors & Suppliers reflected on Active Taxpayer list 01 FBR for the purpose to Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Specialized Labs along with allied Solarization and Renovation for the Project "Transfornuttion of Govt. College of Managetnent Sciences Janorud into Govt. College of Applied Sciences & Technologies Jamrud (G-CAST)" District Khyber K P. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: l. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. Bidding shall be conducted in according with KPPRA Rules 20 1 4 section 6(2)(b) Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure comprising a single package containing two envelops. Each envelop shall contain separately Technical & Financial bid clearly marked in bold & legible letters and clearly Inentioned. The bidders shall provide coluplete inforjnation along with postal as well as valid email address and phone number(s) on each of the respective envelop. Interested bidders may obtain complete set of bid solicitation docunoents fronl the Office of NESPAK House: 24, sector B-2, Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar, Phone No: 091-5828478 against a cash paynent of Rs.5000/- (Non-Refundable) during office hours on any working day as and when published in News Paper. A pre-bid meeting will be held with the interested bidders on 09-09-2024 at 1200 hours in NESPAK I-louse: 24, sector 13-2, Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar. Interested bidders are required to submit a sealed bid (one original + 4 copy's) in the office of Project Director, FIP erstwhile FATA Secretariat Road on or before 02:OOPM, 18/09/2024. Technical bid will be opened on the same day at 02:30PM in the presence of bidders or their representatives, who choose to attend the process. The bid security shall be subinitted from the account of bidder who subniit the bid fronl the schedule bank of Pakistan. No bank cheque or Pay order shall be acceptable. Technical bid must be accompanied with an affidavit stating that Original CDR @ 2% of bidding cost in the nanw of under signed is sealed and placed in the Financial Bid, failing which the technical bid will be considered non- responsive. All Pages/Sheets of the tender lilliSt be signed and stamped by the bidder / authorized person. Quoted rates must include all kind of taxes, Installation, and delivery charges at site in the ofTered/quoted prices. The sealed Bid shall be subinitted through Register Courier, not later than above specified date & titne. The interested bidder may obtain clarification regarding bid solicitation doctllnents during office hours on any working day. The Financial bids of the qualified bidders approved by the Procuring Entity shall be opened by the notified cotnmittee in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend on the date and tillie as and when fixed by the Procuring Entity. The contract shall be awarded 'QCBS Method" to high rank Bidder The procuring entity reserves le right to accept/reject any or all bids at any tillie prior to acceptance of a bid as per Para 47(i) of KPPRA 14. All bidders are required be registered with the relevant bodies as mentioned in Standard Bidding Docunoents. The procuring entity !+rves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of itelns. also available on websites https;(/±p!€and 16. This advertisemen Note: Errors missions are subjected to rectification Tel No: 091- 5828478,Fax•. , 091-5200720 Email address:[email protected] lewspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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