Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore Tender Notice (3) for Procurement Of Fluid Warming Cabinet,Procurement Of Wro,Procurement Of Diathermy With Advance Vesel Sealing System , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Pt<Ll Pakistan Kidney and Institute N'dReseat&3Centet l. 2. Reference No PROt9W2024 PROƌW2024 PROྕ}2024 PRO'S9, 4 S. 6. INVITATION TO BIDS PROCUREMENT OF FOLLOWING EQUIPMENTS Bids arc invited from Manufacture'Solc-Distf'ibutoe of Foreign Manufacturer registered with incotnc tax and sales tax Department for following items Interested eligible bidders get the Bidding Documents free of cost from PKLI website with detailed specifications. A tender notice is also available for informaticdt and downloaded from websites of www.ppra-puniabæov.ik and Description Procurement of Fluid Warming Cabinet of WRO ODOUBLE PASS (CAPACITY PASS 30 VH AND 2000 VH 2'" PASS) Procurement of Defibrillator with and ETC02 Procurement of Diathermy with Advance Bipolar Vessel Sealing Single Stage Two Envelopes bidding Quantity Total Estimated Bid Security Bidding Procedure cost 116.000}- 10 06 Single Stage Envelopes Single Stage Envelopes Single Stage Envelopes Single Stage Ensc'lopes Two Two Two Two I be applied. Bids av:ust be "lhmäted through Electronically fE&bullPuk and Disposal System} by at 11:IHJ AM which will be 'Qened on same day II:Ml A.M through E.Pxd in prescnce of Bids must be accompanied by a Security in form of Bank Guararite&bullCDWDernarKl Ora.fL&bullPay of Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center and nurst atlacb:d pbøt«xopy with Technical original Bid Security rnust bc mancial Bids. without shall tx being whereas below address before closing time and day. P'KLI will not re.ons of Bids. Prebid meeting In case Ihe date of reas&bulløn , the The ti:nx and Note: OT expense incurred by BiÆers ai.x»uii the preparation or deli very OT submissic.ll 27-08-2024 in room, or last of sale is declared as a public holiday by the government or mnovorking day due any g üly shall be &erned to be date of sale and submissi'.n and cpeling of talde&bulls accordingly. rernain the same. Bid iod 180 days&bull. O sments and procuring proeedure i.e. receiving. opening and awarding ete- shall be gosærned by the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014(Amended). In ease of any conflict between Bidding Documents and PPRA Rules the rules shall prevail. Separate bid for each tender need to be submitted by the interested bidder(s) Ileud of Supply Cha i n Pakistan Kilney & Liver Institute &bullnd Research Gruand Fk'or Package A. One PKLI Avenue. Opposite DIIA Knowledge City Labore- Tel: 92.42.' Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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