Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore Tender Notice (2) for Procurement Of Office and Hospital Furniture and Fixture ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BIDS / PROCUREMENT OF HOSPITAL FURNITURE & OFFICE FURNITURE FOR PKLI RAWALPINDI 1. FakistarKiireyard Liver insttüteandResearchCeMEtlPKLl&RCl. Rawalpindi, invites electoräc Eids the•oæh the E-Päk Acuisilio,7 and üispcsal System (E-Fais} fct• supply Of "Office Furniture & Hospital Furniture" Etthe year 2024-225. 2. Bid&rs must be m*lufactwer,' Cd praeud. Bidders ntJÉ.t have B gad reputatan be registered with the SBIES Tax Depertrnent The supply st-nuld be dEiivered an a frE€ deEvery basis to ccnsignee'S Izcatnn at PKLI&RC Rawalpindi. DEEilEd technicå ähng quarbtes af office furniture & hospitÄ furrilureæe even in Bidding Oocurnerb. 3. Thé tidier sfrnit bid for tie com*etE tot gtd quantity as specified in the •composite lowestbäSisagänstEäct 4. Inlegestedelgitåe tid&rsmaygetthe Bidding Oco'filätsfreeofcoet tram PKLI website with det2i/EC specifications. Ateneer notice also aW±le ir.frmaton ard car be frccr. websites of* ant 5. Sill* Stage Two EfiÆbpetidfri•g be *PZd. Bids n•usl be submitted Eiectrznicaliy ttvough E-Pak Acquæ.ition ant Disposal System (E-padsJ. No Éidccpy subcrissicns will be erdE±ired. You t•gve to WIOäd your bid by or before September 13. 2024, a', 1 1 A-N. The bids be or E3ne day at 1 1 AM E-Padin preselce oftt•e bii±rs. 6. A1 tidG must be by a bid gecvity % 03171P3Eite rate (ccnsoidä9,Ed bid s€ürity of i' a LOL rtiäl tiddi in g 101 is not ill the form Of a 8211k tuaranteetCB'Oemgnd Drah ar Pay Order in favor of Pakistan EJ%ded as required by the E-Pa'd pzrtal. "Offers without this bid security ±albE • Cte$'dditiersäliy. The deüicdlots is given betow. Lot No. nem Name Bid Security of Lot 01 Steel Be%es patient CCCCÄ, o Hovdal gabertstals as •scried in sccpe cd wcd Furnüre Lot CQ Exeo-itie Tables, Chairs, Safe'S arc Office as descrit*d in scape af wan 7. PW will net beregpcnsiwefatanycogt ih relätizn tz the p•rEpæ-aticn w Eleclrct'ic submissizn af bits. A gt•e-bit n•eeting 'Ail' be he'd an September 03.2024 in ccnference rum of SuppöfChai7 Departmet719tP5L.t& RC Lat-oread 11 :COAM. 8. IntheEvenlthäffhedatectagenhgiSdeearEdepdZho or a day for any reason, t.t* re warkhg day wit te tie rew up•lzaffngcn E-gads subrri;ssor, and •vøf terodEt•s. The time and verue "ill renzir urztzrged. a. Note: assess and procurement vocedures. including awwdng, Wi'EtTiEd by he ict between tf"E biddirg dccumentg tt•e FRA Rules presa;il. PKLI Mail Section Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center One PKLI Averu.•e, DHA Phase6, Pakistan. 0 042-111 117 SS.4 O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
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