Municipal Committee Chakwal Tender Notice for Provision Of Sound System With Generator and Fuel,Kannats,Water Tanki,Stage Set,Chair and Tables,Decorated Entry Gates,Providing and Fixing Of Panaflix,Fency Lighting Works,Sofa Set,Mineral Water,Provision Of Juices ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** QUOTATION NOTICE Municipal Conunittee Chakwal intends to call sealed item rate Bids as per PPRA rules tor its following procurement i.e. Arrangement for Eid Milad un Nabi 2024 for FY 2024-:2S from the contractors suppliers who are registered witn EPAO Procurement Systen•v 'n relevant categories on the following te«ns end conditions; 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 The bid documents are available on EPADs and PPRA Website. The bidders who receive Bidding Documents from office of the undersigned shall have to deposit ot Rs.2CtW- PSet as Printing Charges as per prevailing PPRA Rules. Bidding shall be conducted through EPADs end the method will be Single Stage One Envelope as specified in PPRA Rules. Bidder shall fill all the required torrns i tables provided in the bidding docun•vents and shall also stamp/sign the bidding documents before its submissions on the EPADs. The bid document shali be submitted on EPADs from the date ot publication to upto '0.09-2024 time Pin. Bid Security Earnest money in the forrn ot CDR as tnentioned shall be uploaded along wiff bidding documents on EPAOs and origknal COR shall be deposited in the office of Municipal Conunittee Chakwal after submission of bid on EPADs before closing date tinw In case of non-compliance bid shall be rejected. All the received bids will be opened on EPADs on 10.09-2024 time pm in the office of Municipal Committee Chakwal by the tender quotation opening committee •n the presence of available bidders or their authorized representatives. A price for all items in the given Lot shall be calculated to financially evaluate the bid. It iS convulsory on eli participating bidders to quote bid retes in figures as well es in words against each item on the prescribed price schedule provided in the bidding documents. Rates filled in any other torm shall be rejected. The item rates provided shall be inclusive ot all the Govt. Taxes. Conditional, unsigned, in-complete, cutting, over written and doubtful bids shell be rejected. Perforrnance guarantee shall be applicable as per prevalent Gove Rules and as lnentioned in the bidding documents. The Competent Authority may reject all bids at any time prior approval j' acceptance ot the rates. Thne period for completion will be mentioned in Work Order-after approval of rates ot the lowest bidder. Successful bidder to whom work order is issued will nd to conduct the required quality control tests Of any) on their own expenses. All other clauses as provided in bidding docunents s I Stand applicable. k Particulars Arrangements ot sound system with generatorand petrol etc complete ail rent basis fora Da Preparation ot stage 12 feet x 24 feet { ä"equired) complete (Rent basis Providi fix Qannats ail Rent basis Provision of water tanki Da Rent baes Provision ot Ice for Drinkin Water Provision ot tables with cover com Oa Rent basis Provision ot Chaurs With cover c •eteOa Rent basis Makin decorated en Provision of eta•s owers Provision of diff colors Provision ot Sweets best uali Provision ot Carpet Qaleen for stage on Daily Rent basis {6x12) size Providin fixi ot daman on Dai Rent basis n ot sta back round wall with curtains etc Providi & Foti of Pananex illumination (PIF L-arri) Fancy Ugnting of MC Office MC Plaza i Rescue. IS Chowk Shuheda Park on dai Da Rentbas•s Provision ot VIP Sota 3 Seater on Da Rentbasus Provision ot 3 Seater Sofa on Oai Rent oasis Provision of Mineral Water SOO mi Provision of Juice Nestle uvalent 6 '1 20 20 so 25 7 so s 30 soo 260 tso 1 so '8000 40 soo 200 unit Rate P Job f Day Rent P Job f Day Rent Unit Rate / Da Rent unit Rate Rent Per KG Rate Unit Rate Yba Rent unit Rate Rent Per Job Rate Per KG Rate Per Bundle Rate Per KG Rate Unit Rate Day Rent Unit Rate / Da Rent Per Jöb Rate Per uareRate P Larri Day Rent Unit Rate / Da Rent Unit Rate 'Da Rent Unit Rate Unit Rate By the order ot Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Adnvinistrator Municipal Conunittee Chakwal c ewspaper ADVERTISOR ug, from Ppra dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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