Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Installation & Operation Of Digital Streamers At Diff Avenues ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** METROPOLITAN CORPORATION ISLAMABAD Of AdmüiÉÜatio:n) Fire HO, EXPRESSION OF INTEREST #HumCDA "FOR INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS OF DIGITAL STREAMERS AT DIFFERENT AVENUES / LOCATIONS OF ISLAMABAD. The Oirect«atc of Municipal Adwnsralion. Metropolitan Coval]0fl Islamabad invites bids trom companies or ccnscrtiums fiat arc mustered Incoma & Sales m. SECP and all regvarfl and who arg b$t, patlit:ipate sealed bids stage - Two emalopa procenwe tor 'INSTALLATION & OPERATIONS OF DIGITAL STREAMERS 1Minimum Size 613 AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS OF ISLAMABAD' Revenue Share gas,iS The ra.lbwing Cliterja are eligible fu participation in the bidding process: • a) Adartisement Agencies ha•ting at least 10 years ot (by submittmg 01 pterggnce Wil BE liiVEt•• 10 cunpanjes having prior local or international in imtallation and operatr;qs of b) Multilatjutld Witt) [T 01 ur FittECh 2. The bidders registered to purchase & stüwnitthe EOI documents. The Most afiantaqeous bid offering highest revenue to the Emplyger be acegptgd, revenue cougcted dtectly reclittéd to MCI accoum lhtouqn an IT based system to be developed amd provided by the successlul bidder. and share ot the successful bidder be transferred on monthly basis bv MCI. COA'S wotfiite Itec ot cost. Tender details TCfls can also be attunec payment ot Rs {Rupees ten thousand Stape 01 Pay in tavor 01 0.O.O. MCI Itam 0111CE O' OC•pqty Oitet;tnr WA, MCI. Fire nn or 13.09„2024. during working Murs. 4. proposed lijeatjuns lor installation; Operations Ot digital streamersa.rg as Ul&t: 2 3 4 5 3. Road Highway Ewcss way Club Road Cansmuocn Avenue RtXid Tentative Locations Serena Hotel Chowk to Sports CON4kx ROSC & Jü$fiiit)C G&ttten to Ptlitt 3tidge Zero Point Blidge to Peshawv Morr Bridge old 6-11 signal Western Hotel to Kastynir Globc to Gme Ch0Wk 10 Sukh Paik towafdS Tentative number ot poles 30 30 so 30 30 30 30 15 5 Detadedtermsand condiiomsareavadable documents, furthermoreawe•bid will be held on 0502024 at in 011ice Chiet Navel Head"lJartar5 and arw dacitic.aticn bC asked dwinq meetng il wnong or Értal. 6. snould Sid Ot Rs- 10:00 In lhe pay OT O.D.O. OMA. MCL The vospegjvctiddcrs shall upload scanned copy of Bid Sw.jrity an E-PAOS s:] 10 the ottiC* ot Oirecror•DMA. Islarnaab*ll along Bids- 7. The prospectec tidderå,arc required to subll'it tveir Bids onlinc ttrough E-PADS at belote date. Original Elds in accowan•ce wm the ptoviSiOCIS 3SO publiC PtOCUttrnertt RulCS-2004 & ccntfljons defined in must be submitted the Office Of DirectT OMA MCI on 16.092024 at it:00 AM. B, The Bid OI Will t'tm:d pitlåi;lY nn satnc day (h'OttdaY) 16.09.2024 at 11:30 AM in thc prcscncc ot tte Committee & BiddCt'S alfionztd Rewesentatis•es, choose to the opelvng sessoan to be neld at ottsce 01 Oircclor- Mijnatipæ Atr•unistration, Islamabld, hawcvcr, date time OT 01 financial bid WI be intÉnated to tho successttll bidders tyough E-PADS and teleprmtcallyl 2N4 iS on EPADS at and The "Icomßete, unsealed and late subnitted bids shan retuned. The A.IiIbCdity reserves Ille tigli to repc:l Ille bidS as per proviSitMt 01 Section-33 Of PPRA Director Municipal Administration PIO No. 1394124 Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad DMA Office, fire Headquarter Building. Shahrah-e-Soharwardy Sector G-7/1, Islamabad, Phone: 051-9252838 O Newspaper ( 2B Aug, 2024) from Naibaat dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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