University Of Health Sciences Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Purchase Of Air Conditioners ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** section.l: Invitation to Bids UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES LAHORE Punjab, Lahore TENDER NOTICE Bds are invited fm sole I manufacturers I authorized distributors I auhorized deabers, registered wflh sate taffncome tax for I've "TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF AIR CONDITIONERS FOR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES LAHORE". stage Two envelope bldding (containing separately the financial and the technical proposals) fonowing the Punjab be followed. Ii The tender documents wil be available on UHS and EPADs PPRA, Pujab websites. 2. The bidding fms Icompanies must provide 2% refundab4e as pet PPRA Rule 27 bid securibi as earnest money of the estimated amount in the form of Bank guaranteefPay order/Bank Drafl drawn in favor of UHS. No. 1 Item(s) required of Air Conditjonets Estimated CostlnPKR 02VBid security I Earnest Money in 81,751. 3. The can be quoted MIPADS, by am 16-09- 2024. The tenderwil be opened at 11:30 am by the Tender Committee in tie presence of representatives of the firms I cnpanies. 4. Thepmcurementi"ingrejecöoa or acceptanceofbidswill be governedby 5. supplierotcontracbrif it finds atuany stage that infomaüon submnted by him was falsefinaccurate mcomplete under PPRA Rule 2014 (Amended). 6, Tender document Mll also be avaiable at UHS ( and PPRA Punjab website http]/ from the date of puffcation. REGISTRAR IPL-8132 University of Health Sdences Lahore. Khayabanæ•Jamia Punjab, Lahore•546Ø, Pakistan. Ph: 111-33-33-66, 042-99231304-9 Newspaper ( Aug, zuZ4 from Express dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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