Punjab Auqaf Organization Lahore Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER In accordance with (PPRA) 2014 (up to date Amendments) Sealed tenders based on item I percentage rales above or below on approved (Estimate/DNlT) amount are hereby invited for the work mentioned below from the contractors I firms registered in Pakistan Engineer Council for the year 2024-25 in relevant categories / having speciaüzed codes in specific field such as depending upon the type of projects and Tax Departments, No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Scheme Rehabilitation of Basement, Ground, Hrst & Second floors of Alwan.e.Auqaf Building, Lahore, GROUP.I Rehabilitation of 3rd to Floors of AJwan.e.Auqaf Buildin , Lahore, GROUP.2 Rehabllitation of Exterior, Reconstruction of Water Tanks Emergency Exit Stairs & Up gradation of Conference Hall at Alwan.e.Auqaf Buildin t Lahore. GROUP.3 Renovation and Up•gradation works at Jamia Mas id Al•Sadi Bahawal ur. Rehabilitation I Conservation of Jamia Masjid Bahawal ur. Estimated Cost Earnest Money n Millions Rs.37,533 Rse35.14 Rs.9S7 Rs.4927 2%ofthe estimated cost. 2%ofthe estimated cost. 2%ofthe estimated cost. Time Limit 12. Months 12. Months 12. Months 2%ofthe 06. Months estimated cost. 2%ofthe 06. Months estimated cost. 1. Single Stage Two Envelops Biffing Procedure of pri*al method of procurement (le. opening of technical prqosal and financial nmpetjtive beg) vil be used by adopting responsive in teåüal bid and Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS) Technique for the su*ct procurement in line the Publt Procurement Rubs, 2014 and any Regulations, Regulatory Guides, Procurement gudelines or instucthns isst*d by the PPRA authorüy (from to time). 2, All Proposals/ Tenders must be accompanied by a Earnest Money I bid security of Estimated Cost (refundable) in shape of Bank Draft I CDR in the narne of Director Projects Auqaf. The bidder åall submt scanned copy of bid security on E-PADS and o@inal Bank Draft / CDR Vill be submitted to offce of the Director Projects Auqaf, Director Projects Auqaf, as addressed belowl before Opeling of tender. 3. Bidding Documents are immediately available after date éfpublicaüon at E.PADS website or can be obtained from ofte of the Director Projects Auqaf, as addresse!bebw, during hours before cbsing date, on payment PKR 100001* (Ten Thousand) (NorrRefundableNon.adjustabIe) for each/ tender, in account ütled 'Cental Auqaf Fund (Account National Bank of Dina Nath Nia Gumbad, the Mall, Lahore. 4, In case opening date(s) is declared a public holiday by the Governmentl nen working date shal be deemed to be date for submission & opening of tender(s) at same time & ptace. The bids Will be receive only from those fims are registered with PPRA for E.Procurement on E.PADS for tendering through email addresses Which were provided by them at time of their registration. 5. The interested bidderSsare requested to submit freir bids I proposals online through E.PADS at https:/ before opening date and original bids I proposals must be submiåed at office of the Director Projects Auqaf, as ddressed bebw, before opening of tender. On or before 01:00 PM on 2509-2024. The Bids will be opened by lhe committee constituted forthe purpose, on same day at 02:00 PM in the presence of bidders representali!$ who choose to dend the opening session to be held at as addressed below, before opening of tender. 6, The Prwement Agency resewes the rights to accept reject Ihe offers to the acceptance of bids on the basis of Wid reasons in accordance with (Clause.35) PPRÅ• Rules 2014 (up to date) ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE PUNJAB AUUF ORGANIZATION AUQAF & PUNJAB 3rd Floor, Alwan+Auqaf, Near Lahore Hlgh Court, the Mall Lahore Contact o Newspaper ( Zö Aug, zuz4) IPL-8134 from Express dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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