Public Health Engineering Department Sialkot Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THC EXECUTIVE ENGINEER P.H.E. DIVISION SIALKOT E-TENDER NOTICE Thc tenders for the following schemes orc invited from Enginccring firms I contractors on the item rates I pcrccntagc basis, as per PPM E-Tcndcring System, in line with PPRA Rules (amended updated) According to these Rulcs all the rclevanl firms I contractors can participate in tendering process Wilh following tcrms nnd conditions. l. Thc intending Contractors / Firms who arc rcgistcrcd with Pakistan Engtnecrjng Council In relevant category / codes valid ror financial year 2024-25 can participate in E-tcndjng through Punjab PPM website. 2. Thc interested Contractors / Firms huvc to be registcrcd on PunJab PPRA Website ( Any information I procedure regarding rcgistration can be scen / obtuincd from website (•procuremenl). 3. All intending contractors / firms have to upload thc eamcst money in thc form of CDR jn favour of thc Exccutivc Enginccr Public Ilealth Enginccring Division Sialkot@ 5% of the estimated bid cost and fill tatcs against itcms of work on thc samc website upto half hour before thc opening date and time of opening of tender. Ilowcvcrt original CDR has to be submitted to the tcndcr opcning committcc on the sumc day, half hour bcforc thc opcning of bids otherwise, the firm / contractor will bc disqualificd in prcscncc oftcndcr opcning committee. 4. Aller filling thc bids on website, contractors may attend the omce or the undcrsigned on 14-09-2024 at 02.30 PM, whcrc all bids will bc rctricvcd and quoted rates Will bc announced In thc prcscncc ofTcndcr Opening committcc. 5. In case ofsubmission ofany fake infomation / documcnt such as CDR / receipt, thc Contractor / Fim will bc disqualificd from the tcndcring roccdurc and will bc black listed to participate tn any tendering process of HUD & PHE Department. Furthcr recommendation to PPRA and PEC will ulso bc mode against such firm/ ontractor for appropriate action / black listing. 6. As per decision of thc Honourable Suprcmc Court of Pakistan, 5% Performancc Guarantee Will be rcccivcd in Shapc of Pay Ordéöank Draft I Cash or in shape of Bank Guarantee (valid OJ- months beyond thc completion ate). Pcrformance Guarantee issued by insurance Companies will not bc acceptcd. 7. Thc procuring agency,tpay rcjcct all bids or proposal at any time prior to acceptance ofa Bid or proposals undcrP RA Rulrcs•35 (Rejection of Bids). Sr: Namc otwork Estimated cost (In Million) Earncst Money 5% (in Million) 4.972 Completion period 12•months I Drainage Schemc in Villages 99.436 Khcwa Bajwa, and Kalasswala UC Kalasswala Tehsil Pastur District Sialkot Note: • T.S. No & Date Chief Enginecr (Noah) omcc memo No. 1389/P&D-l dated 20-08-2024. Any application reccivcd through courier / post or through cmail will not be considcrcd / accepted Executive Engineer Public Health Engg: Division, Sialkot Newspaper ( Aug, zuZ4) IPL-8093 from Express dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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