Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Nushki Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer-(Roads) Communication WPP&H Department District Noshki invites sealed tenderon Composite Schedule of 2023 and G.O. B amended up to date from interested contractors/firms forthe work listed below:- Earnest Money 2% ofCost, Tender Fee Rs.200011 and Time limit2 Years S No. NameofWork 1. CONSTOFBTROADALIAHMEDSUMALANI, HAJI ISHAQBADINI,MASTER EICost 49.573 M SHABIR QAZIABAD DISTRICT NOSHKI PSDP NO: [email protected] ) TSE-242508526513 The procurement shall be out in accordance with Balochistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority rules, 2014. BASIC ELIGIBILITY:• The Contractor must have registration with Tax authorities Les (NTN, BRA and Sales Tax Department),and in Valid Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in required Category (C-5) who have enlistment/renewal for the year valid upto date. Three Years Relevant Work Experience in Road Turnover last three years showing financial capacity of the firm Bidder must have Audit for last 3 METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Bidding (Technical and Financial) Will be out by Adopting "Single Stage-Two envelope Bidding Procedure". BIDDING/TENDER DOCUMENTS:- Issuance: - The contractors/ firms having registered with PEC in aforementioned required category or above discipline can obtain the bidding documents from the address mentioned below on production of green challan (non-refundable) form deposited in the head of account C-02716 DDO Cod: 7005 through Government Treasury Nushki/ National Bank of Pakistan Nushki before 12 September, 2024. Bidding Documents can be downloaded from website of BPPRA, from the date of publication of this invitation in newspapers till one day prior to the last date of submission or the Same Can be Purchase From the Office of Executive Engineer (Roads)Communication WPP&H Department Nushki during working hours till the day of opening of Tenders before II AM with pay order/Demand Draft Amounting Rs.2000/-in favor of Executive Engineer Roads The contractors/ firms who obtain bidding documents by downloading them from BPPRA website will also be required to produce deposited green challah form of above mentioned fee, The documents if requested by mail will be promptly dispatched by registered mail for which cost of mail will be borne by the applicant however under no circumstances the Procuring Agency will be held responsible for late delivery or loss of documents so mailed Earnest Money as mentioned above should be submitted Deposit at Call from a scheduled Blank. DEAD LINE OF SUBMISSION: The Bidding Documents duly filled and attached with copies of supporting documents must be delivered in sealed envelopes by hand or through registered mail tothe address mentioned below on or before 12 September, 2024 at 11:00 AM. OPENING: The tender document will be opened on 12 September, 2024 at 12:00 PM, before procurement committee in the presence of contractors or their authorized representatives/agents. PLACE OF ISSUANCE AND SUBMISSION WILL BE Address: Executive Engineer (Roads) Communication WPP&H Department District Nushki Telephone No. 082587 2191 E-mail Address: [email protected]. TERMSAND CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions are mentioned (incorporated) in detail in bidding docu n . A Procuring Agency may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid r posal, as per provision in BPPRA, rule, 2014Rid validity period Ninety (90-days) Note: It may be t that no pay order will be accepted entertained and firm's complete title/name should be written offthe call deposit. The participant contractors should have allotted Road Codes in concerned Categ6ÖC-5 or above. Produce Original CNLC, PEC and NTN Certificate. Similar nature of work at leaSV3Nos, Contracts completed in last (03) Three Years, value of each contract should not be less than theEngineers Estimates against the respective contract As applied for However, the letter of Award. letion Certificates of these works duly attested. All Prospective bidders are required to provi a nership Certificate or lease agreement of the equipment's Ie Rollers(i) Dumpers (in)Grad )Generator (v) Bitumen Plant, (vi) Air Compressor (Heavy duty) (vii) Excavator furnished along i!ffechnical Proposal on Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by First Class Magistrate. Which can erified by B&R during evaluation of Technical Proposal. All Prospective bidders are required to mit the authenticity of availability of technical staff (i) Highway Engineer (B.E. Civil with at least 3 Yégrs relevant field experience), (ii) Quantity Surveyor (DAE Civil with at least 5 years relevant field experience). (b) Surveyor (DAE, Civil With at least 5 years relevant field experience) on Judicial Stamp-Paper duly attested by First Class Magistrate The bidder(s) will be required to offer his/their bid(s) by quoting an %age above/below of the estimated costof a particular Routine Maintenance contract. This % age will be applicable for each item of BOQ for which work schedule will be issued with no change of rate. The bidder(s) will also provide Non Black Listing of the respective Firm by any Govt: Department on Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by the First Class Magistrate along with the Technical Proposal. All the Prospective bidders are required to sign and stamp each pages of Technical & Financial Bids, which is mandatory. The Firm(s) providing unsubstantiated or incorrect information Idocument(s) shall be liable for legal action and disqualification or termination of contract at any stage. Reserves the right to acceptor reject all or any bid (S) as per the BPPRA Rule, 2014. PRQ No.655/27-08-2024 c eWS paper Executive Engineer (Roads) CW PP&H Department District Nushki dpr;gob @dgpr.balochistan ug, from Express dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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