Thq Hospital Muridke Auction Notice for Auction,Parking Stand,Adda Stand,General Bus Stand, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AUCTION NOTICE THQ HOSPITAL MURIDKE n IQ in&bullvitö eligible bi.kkts- AIAhOtiIY rot Stand 31 &bull11 year METHOD 16 eligible bidders may obtaiéi L.siötrtwg information from oRice orundgrsigncd submission orvvtiltcn application along With payment ofooa&bull gee of RS. 10011B (One Thousaacl arc titl 09-9-2024 THQ Biding website until closing.,tatg of bids. Sew 2.111. and must by n ray Nomey) in of COR. Order' o,' Uxtker&bulls Cheque or will in r < bcose to attend i 0:00 am on the date Offke The superintendent t'HQ Hospital date & done on at Sl Buetidn at i. RS. 6) Sc deducted &bull.paaete tules and any earces ceetifie&bullte must be S) the bids any prier to accepqr.otbid or PPRA 35. 9JTh&bulle has the doe right to reject disqualify ifit finds any stage that i.rtrgt'ft&lico suh'ti'ltc,d by him svas falsefmaecurate"mcomplete un*t PPRA 19. abliining any ru:thcr infomatioc ct elatific&bulllicas. please at tollawing, MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THQ HOSPITAL MURIDKE CELL # 0309-6699549, 0322-0405103 c ewspaper ug, from Jang dated 28 August, 2024
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