Thq Hospital Muridke Auction Notice for Auction,Parking Stand,Adda Stand,General Bus Stand, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AUCTION NOTICE THQ HOSPITAL MURIDKE n IQ in•vitö eligible bi.kkts- AIAhOtiIY rot Stand 31 •11 year METHOD 16 eligible bidders may obtaiéi L.siötrtwg information from oRice orundgrsigncd submission orvvtiltcn application along With payment ofooa• gee of RS. 10011B (One Thousaacl arc titl 09-9-2024 THQ Biding website until closing.,tatg of bids. Sew 2.111. and must by n ray Nomey) in of COR. Order' o,' Uxtker•s Cheque or will in r < bcose to attend i 0:00 am on the date Offke The superintendent t'HQ Hospital date & done on at Sl Buetidn at i. RS. 6) Sc deducted •.paaete tules and any earces ceetifie•te must be S) the bids any prier to accepqr.otbid or PPRA 35. 9JTh•e has the doe right to reject disqualify ifit finds any stage that i.rtrgt'ft&lico suh'ti'ltc,d by him svas falsefmaecurate"mcomplete un*t PPRA 19. abliining any ru:thcr infomatioc ct elatific•licas. please at tollawing, MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THQ HOSPITAL MURIDKE CELL # 0309-6699549, 0322-0405103 c ewspaper ug, from Jang dated 28 August, 2024
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