Pakistan Army Lahore Tender Notice for Hot and Cold,Office Stationery,Printing Materials,Stiching Materials,Lunch Boxes,Furniture,Tyre Tubes,Batteries,Uniform,Stationery Items,Purchase Of Fair and Exhibition,Computer Stationery Items,Repair of Machinery,Repair Of Furniture and Fixture ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE (FRAME WORK CONTRACT) Gu•rd NOX Abbas invites sealed bids based on the Punjab Rules 2014 reputed and financially firms having previous exserienee as well •s regisrered with ineomg Tax. Sales Tax and Punjab Sates. Ikpartmcnqs tor the purchase of items on basiS for financial year 2024.2S(up till 3006.2025Y. Sr.No 2. 4, 5. 6, 9, 12. Description F foe Purchase O r Cold o Contract ret Purehase or POL Ch Frat-ne of Cont'*ct foc Purchase or Stationary Items Frame o f Cont eact for 0 r printi & Freme work ofContract Purchase of Uniform & Protecnve Clothin ofContract Tot Purchase of F'ir & Exhibition Fr•me of Contract ror of Computer Stationst•y Frat"tk of Contrae•l Purchase of Miscellaneous Cost or Medicine Frame for Repair o f Tyres. Batteries.. Spare Ports. Air/Oi1 Filter& repair ofwoek Overhau Deriti & Frame work Re i Frame Ot Contraet i' of Furniture Fi8ture. .09.2024 11.09.2024 11.09.2024 11.09.2024 11.09,2024 109.2024 .09.2024 109.2024 i I .09.2024 11.09.2024 800000/- 4 SOOOO/. 200000B 3800000B 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8, Bidding be cond'JCted through n Competitive idding (Single Stage-one Envelop) Prckcdures specified in the Punjab P«xuremcnt Rules PPRA 2014 ( up to 2017), and is to ail bidders as defined in the bidding docuwnent. Jntcrcstcd bidders bidding @SOO) and further information from the office of Battalion Commander, Guard Battalion No. 7. Abbas Line Lahore. on submission of written apptications Bidding doeu•nentS are available till Date i -09-2024 up to the office Battalion Commander. Guard Battalion NO. 'l.Abbas to the above omee on or before 10:00 am Date 11-09- Bids must 2024 and must bc accompanied by the Bid Secutny as per estimate price in thc corm Demand the Scheduled Bank of Pakistan. Bids will be opened-on Date at 10:30 am in prcscncc of bidder(bidder's representatives to attend the office at 10:00 am. All Che rates areinclusive GSTFPST and valid till 30.061202 S, Thc bidders are rcqucsted Sates Tax registration Certificate must be provided. The successful' bidders Shall deposit equal to 5% of thc Total cost of Store as Perfonnancc-Guarantcc in thc Torm of deposit at Cal U Bank Guarantee within the period specified in Advance Acceptance of tender and Draw thc Contracg- performance Guarantee Shall bc refunded on successful completion Of thc contract obligations and NOC from indenter, Battalion Commander has rcscrvcd the right* to reject all bids or proposals in line with Ruic 35 of PPRA Rules 2014. For any other information contact 042-3716764546. IPL-8102 WASEEM AKHTER SP/Battalion Commanders Guard Battalion No. 7, PC, Abbas Line, Lahore. o Newspaper ( 2b Aug, zuz4) from Jang dated 28 August, 2024
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