Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Kohlu Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE In All Procurements Of GOB V"lethät through Electronic or Mamal Bid Submission, iS AJI Bidders to Registered At Of gppRA GOB, Thc EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CW.PP&HO Elig&bulltye Bidders executan af Yea rates 202300 PercentageRaæs NameofWorkis tased an Compasite scneaule 2437ZZ024.OOJCONSTRUCTlONOFONEOUAAT RUEDA', TSE-2425085231S3 procurements Shao be uncer Ptocurement &mdash 2014. Eligibility Of tax Payer list not blacklisted any procurng c' Pakistan 3a',oahisgn Reven &bulltv Regstra.t.on is nust have completed Assignment of s.&bullmiär work rum aver af at least PKR Agrount of the with Engir.cring counci IPEC) and aocve Relevart Category And Sgecialized Code is CEO%'I (Sewerage Wü'ksi/, CEDOÉ) (VhQSupplij, C!EtOli) (General Civil Engineering Wceksi . CEIOtiiil (Concrete Repairsi, BLildirgs ard Plaintenance>, CEIIC) IGeneral engireering Wotks only j. ProcedureOf Procurement: Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding Procedure BidSecurity: The bids nust accorn Security i' he form of Bank at Call of 3 % sgecded the Of from a bank. Tenter OOCumemts The biddng docut&bullrents an be the office c' 1.500 PKR Issuance of tender Oocwn&bullents.&bull dite Of wblk.äfjen cd Nit to IS September, 2024duing tours on working days cast oate.ofUd subfiiiSSion: lenders bC subT'itted latest b}' 13 Sectorrae&bullt. 11 AW Tendei tenders Wil be openec on seme cay at c' the at 12:00 PMAOdress: Office ct Executive Oi5'trictKolTiu Pione no: 0829-667320 Famno: PRO c eWS paper Exeq,Aive CW.PP&H District Kohlu ug, from Jang dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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