Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan Tender Notice for Procurement Of Pol Services,Diesel 50000 Liter Per Month ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** BAHAUDDIN ZAKARIYA UNIVERSITY, MULTAN TENDER NOTICE MillH&bullduring comoanies/S01e reputed firms registered Income Tag and Sales Tax departrnents are invited to their quotations an the letter heats with sealed envolopes fat following Tenders 81, IJt&bullåetsity, Multan ønd&bullr NO. Description Estimated Security Tendat Amount Rs,1i000J&bull 1 OiCSOl approximates SO-COO per uønth, Petrol appc«matetf S, OCO Liters Month. vertltles far the 1. The *tterested bidders Shall subrt"it the' bids on tho basis cd Sitwe Stage- ti&bullA'O procodiaro&bdquo Thc bid shal comprae &bull Single paeurenvotape containing two separate envelopes. Each enveoope Shtl contain geparatety the financial proposal the tectü1iCBl proposal as per PPRA Rules. 2. Ter&bullder document tetrns conditions is available in the Purchase Section and Obtainable in person dwing office hours after depositing'fee a! Rs,100CV&bull each docurnent tnonrefundable) Ihrough bank Challan at HBL Now Canvas grat'tth, '&tan, Furthermore. tho Toneet Document with terms & Cotidtions iS 21SO at PPRA website and may be downloaded and sent'tO the Treasurer, 8ZU elorq with Bank draft Rs. 1000!&bull in lawr Of Treasurer 3. The Procuring Agency &bullmay reject all bids&bullorvoposats at any time prior the acceptance to the bid,S or proposals aster+PRA Rules. The Procuting agency shall upon 'equest communicato to any comparasldtst'ibutetsfflrms e.ho submitted bid or ptoposal. the grounds its rejections. is not requited ta justify thtso grounds- 4, Name of Petrol Pump along ' s distancerrange from eahauddin Zakariya Unwetsity, Mutta n to Chungi with Pin Location Of Pe tte Pump s hojld be mentioned c&arly. 5 The tender documents ssued to lhe upon provision proof registration lor GST/NTNWang appb:ation on their letter head and original ChallarFay Older of 6. Tender wbmitted without Eamest Money (CORI can be rejected by the Purchase Committee at the tirne cgening of bids as the ease may 7. Prze or items bementlonedon FOR basis at B.Z. University premises, 8. No document be received atter closing date.rtirne, E, The the tender. quotation must reach till 1009.2024. a.m. a can deposit of estimated cost (as mentioned in the Tender OocumentJ positj.e1Y in the office Treasurer. gghauddin Zakariya Multan- The tender be opened on 13&bullC9&bull 12:00 p.m. in the Treasurer Offce in the presence the bidders V,'hO may liK@ to attend ete tender opening mutin 11.In cue cd closed/fctced holidays. tender cpening time$date will be considered as the puking day, TREASURER LIAN: 111229988 Ext. 1318 O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Jang dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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