Town Municipal Corporation Karachi Auction Notice for Procurement Of Milching Animals & Insurance Of Health Clearance Certificate ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TOWN M COIIPORATION (GADAI') Main Super lighway. thitnba (iodap, Keraclii 024 No. Karachi dated: AUCJ'ION NOTICE It is betcby notified for General Information 10 thc Public Ihni in compliance or the lionorablc sindh 1 ligh couri order in Court I ICA No. 381 & 382 of2023 on 06-08-2024, open under Sindh I.ogul Councils (Auctioning or Collection Righl-q) Rules-2016 lhe financial year 2024-25 for the rollowing contract will bc held in thc ollicg of 'Cown Municipal Corporation. Gadap, District Malir. Karnehi at Dumba Goth, main Super lighwøy M-9. Cadam Karachi. or Con tract 01 ror lhe Collection Rights of Tax t Fee from Milching Animals & Issuancc or Clcaragwg Certificate in the or Town Mo "ieipal Corporalioti, Gadap Kanchi for the Financial Ycar 2024-25 cxccpt ror Collecting tee from Miliching Animals will bc rctaincd in jurisdiction or Town Corporation Ibrahim I lyderi, District it, Karachi. Past-I. Baba liohri, National Illghwuy Road Jurisdiction or Town Municipal ion, Gadup Karachi. Cost-2. Khadeji, Z.eto Point ul Lucky Cement, Super I lißhway Road Jurisdiction Of Town Municipal Comoration, Gadap Karachi. Reserve price 265, IOO;COO!. Asscsscd as per allocation or financial year 2024-25 as per under Rule 9 or Sindh I.ocal Councils (Auctioning or collection Rights) Rules 2016 Bid Security Pricc) Rs 5.302.0001. I cttcmpl on September 202-1. at J l;OOam attcmru on on September 2024. 3"' attempt un Scptembcr 2024. at I ;00am 2. 3. interested pnrties are required bring Finn or Company documenls which IttUSt be in original and a set orcopies. CNEC (owner), certifientcst SRIL Certificate, copies or Income * Cax paid vouchers or last 03 financial years, Aecounl Maintenance Certifieate, aecevnt statejncnt showing turn over not less than the bid amount ror last one year and dcntand drun Of 02% bid security in Favor or Town Municipal Corporation, Gadap ror participation in tJte auction. terms 84 conditions of Auction can be obtained during omce hours on payment or Rs. 5000/- (non-rvrundablc through pay order in Cavor or Town Municipal Corporations Gadap) and submit on o fore 041b September202'l alengwith a set or copies of required documents and pay order of 02% Ibid urity in the office of C l*axes}, •cown Municipal C(Meporøtion. Godap, Karachi. jn cosc of failu m sueec ssfuj bidder to deposit amount •ueeessive bidi thc 02% dcposilcd bid security amoun or Town Corporation Gadap Karachi. Rates of Tax / Fee on Mili néÄnimals Rs. 450t- and I leallh Clearance Certificate Rs. 400/— on all big animals io bc levied vide NO rte.tion NO. Karachi t)algd; 12-08-2024 & Government Gazette Registratio M324. dated: 15-08-2024. 02% bid security gbiount (pre-enction) of the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded verification by dcpdS Ing in thc •rown Corporation Disilicl Malir, bank account. 10% orsccurjQÄ or successful bidder will be adjusted in monthly instalmcnts & 02% bid security amount will kefundecl aner complclion of thc contract. contract amounl and installments will bc calculaicd for i maining period or thc financial year 2024-25 front the date or award Of the contract. AS per party Is defaulter infe or any dues to a Local Council or any Federal of Provincial Department: or I Jas bccn blaÄlisted by a Local Council or any Fetletltl or Provi ncial or I las bccn declared insolvent; or Is cornpctcnt to enter into an agreement under the shall not eligible to be n contractor. As per Rule-11(3) lhe Council Municipül Corpomtion, (iadüP Kurachi) shall have Cull to accept or reject thc bid duly recommended by lhe Local Council Administration for thc reasons to recorded in writing, (TOWN M UNI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION GAI)AP, RARACI 11 INF-KRY 2664/24 O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Dawn dated 28 August, 2024
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