Communication & Works Department Gilgit Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT-BALTISTAN OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER GILGIT-BALTISTAN caw DEPARTMENT DIVISION KHARANG No. EE-Cash-Khmg-1 (02)/2023-24/372 Dated: 23rd August. 2024 INVITATION TO BIDS (SSOE) Gilgit Uattistan C&W department Division Kharmang invites sealed bids from well deputed and experienced contractors/firms/JVs under GDPPRA rule 396) SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE procedure, having valid PEC registration renewed up 10 301% June, 2025 with relevant category/code for the work mentioned t*210w Estimate Cost (in Million Tender Closing date and Opening date & time of bids. Name of work (A) 01. 02. 03. 04. (B) 01. (C) 1. Bid securit Rs 28760 1S2000 167 Form cost Rs 2000 3000 4000 5000 time of bid Const. of Shingle road in GB-II Kharmang Const of Shingle road Kamango Gones i/c side drain. RCC pipe culvert and pipe culvert Portion- Const of Shingle roads at. Mankhi Kamango i/c side drain. RCC pipe culvert and pipe culvert (Portion-II) Const of shingle road at Soq Madupure i/c side drain. RCC pipe culvert and pipe culvert io -11 Extension/ Re-alignment of existing shingle road Malbroq Hilaiabad i/c side drain. RCC pipe culvert and pipe culvert 1.438 7.611 10.602 213000 Portion-I Const of District account office at Kharrnang Const of District Accounts 32319 647000 office at Kharman Date 18&pt— 2024 18-Sep 2024 18-Sept- 4 18-Sept- 2024 18-Sept- 2024 Ti me 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 M 03:00 M Date 18-Sept- 2024 18-Sept- 2024 18-Sept- 2024 1B-Sept- 2024 18-Sept- 2024 Time 1030 11:30 (AM) 12:30 01:30 03:30 Const of_Court office and additional District and session judge skardu Shigar and Kharmang and Civil Court Yasin Const. of Compound Wall 5.285 18-Sept. 04:00 18-Sept- 04:30 105700 3000 2024 (PM) 2024 (PM) 2. bidders shall be screened out in the preliminary checking subject to not fulfillment ot all condition. rendered as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. The said application shall be mandatorily accompanied by the following documents. MANPATORY cotqprrrotqs•. - 1) PEC valid registration for CFY (2024-25). 2) PEC relevant code and category. 3) CNIC Of the Prospective bidder/firm. 4) Enlistment with procuring Agency. 5) Affidavit of NO blacklisting from any organization. 6) Renewal receipt (or CFY (2024-25). 7) Signature of bidder/ witness on bidding documents is mandatory. 8) Late submission ot bid will not be entertained. TERMS & cors;prrJ0Ns: - The bid security 2% Of Engineers cost estimate in form of Call Deposit issued by a schedule bank of Pakistan in the name of Executive Engineer Division GD C&WtD Kharmang. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted. In case of firms/ Company/ Joint venture, registered power of attorney and partnership deed in original must be produced for issu9nce tender documents. J.V agreement on proper format duly signed by alt partners of J V. clearly e Itioning share of each partner and lead partner duly attested by Magistrate 1st Class shall be manda ry. The employer reserves the rigtg.$o accept or reject any bid and the bidding process and reject all bids M.rith reason therefor (if any In case of locat holiday, t•er shall be opened on next working day without further intimation. Rates quoted below 19 rom cost shall be Considered as unworkable however. a). bidder quozt:in rate below 10% of IS shall be required to provide along with his bids an additional performance guarantee of 50% of the defial amount (Between 'IS and Bid) in Shape Of CDRfrom any schedule bank of Pakistan. b). In case to produces the required diffial amount of tire bid by the bidder along-with ents, the bid shall be rejected and security of such bidder shall be forfeited. Itis bid d The revised ender policy issued be Works vide Notification 23/475 daiVd January. 20B, and PEC bidding document will be followed. The bidders can submit application up to (17th September 2024) during office hours. After that. no applica tion will be entrained. The application will then be scrutinized by the Divisional Procurement Cornrnittee and then bidding documents will be issued. The Bid documents will be issued on production Of original 2% earnest money (CDR) with its copy attach and treasury receipt challan with cost of tender form as xnentioned against each work which can be received from the office of the Executive Engineer B&R Division GB C&W Kharmang during office hours Overvtriting on bidding document is not allowed and in case of any overwriting/ omission is found the bid shall rejected. Performance guarantee shall be @ 10% of the contract amount from any scheduled bank/ insurance company having AA rating. Bids shall opened in the office Of the Executive Engineer Division at Kazburthang Mehdiabad on above mentioned date and time. Contractor/ bidders are advised to quote the rates on blank spaces of each and every sub head. Items wise rates will not be accepted except the MR items. enlis advertisement is also available on PPRA website wvvw.ppra.ovg.pk_ ITIVE F.NGINFFß Division GO-PWD Kharmang Phone No. Fax No. 050 IS-926027 IDGB-631/24 O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Dawn dated 28 August, 2024
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