Punjab Highway Department Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE The tenders the SCh•errws ato invited from Emineæing firmskontrac:tors co item rates basis, as per PPHA E.Tenderttg System u•ane with relevant PPRA Rules larnonded up to datev Accocdirg to a,ules, au can parteip.ate process lcOowing and T'tte inter•lltg contractCß/firms Who teen registered with panstan Engineerrng Council in reevant categorytC0des may participate, 2 The has to be registered on Arty Informatjonr prosedure regarding registration be seerdobtairted from website 3, the earnesåmon"intheformotCORin lavo•ut' cd Erec:utive Engineer Road Cmstructjon DiViGi.on Rawabit'di Of the tid cost and fill rates against items of wotk on sarne wee,site ham hour opening date and ime of openiro cl tender. Hmvever. o:Éina1 COR has to be subtliltea to the tener op.æ*t9 ccgnmiCte on the same hälf hour opedng of bio ccotrac tot be disquahf*d in presence Cd ter•dät egening cammit;tee, 4. After 'Ong the bidS co website. contractors may attend Cc«nmissionet Rawalpindi Division , Rawalpindi on at 02MPMi where all bids be retrim•ed and quoted rates/success,ful bidder Wii in the presence of Tender Opening catmnytee. SJCh as CDN&ec.eiPt 5, In case af submiSSion O' any fake Cot-tract,'Firn oe disqualified from *Ou tendering ptaccdu•e and be: bläCk tiStéd to pattitöate in any tendering process Of CSW Oepartment Furthät to PPRA aM PEC t. agaimt such #111tGCd.ract0t appropnate actron.' black listing. 6. The agency may reject an any tine prior to accepwte ot a or pcg,posa.lS urd•er PPRA Rde•3S {Reiecöan af BjdS). 7. Nigo Pavernert Shall bathing gant ara concrete 8. Recovery against Ctedit oe eva&äted. 9. material be B*Sted manually and accotdh" bids sew•ai NO. SR R.evtdi Executive Engineer Road Construction Division Rawalpindi c ews paper aucpu Superintending Engineer Highway Circle I Rawalpindi ug, from Dunya dated 28 August, 2024
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