Infrastructure Development Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement For Supply Installations,Commissioning Maintenances Of General Medical Equipment, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2, INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TENDER NO. HCP' JIC/ME.240822Z'Pi7B PROCUREMENT FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING & MAINTENANCE OF GENERAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (PACKAGE NO. 17, LOT-B) FOR JINNAH INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY, LAHORE. The Iturastruct'„ge Develovnent Autb0tity Punjab' IDAP (Employer) has been established as an Autonomous body under Infrastructure Developmmt Authority of Punjab Act 2016 by the Goveavnent ot Punjab 'or planning, designing. construction and maintenance of rtrastructure in widt best international practices to cope wit' future deveoprnent nw5s. Details the procurerrnt are as folows: APCäcable wes Estimated Cost (PKR) PPRARu1es2014 omended W0 pt0%ided in RFP date) 3. mease note Tae subject Bid securo (PKR) Bid 70 Open Shall be out through EPADS Of Punjab Procuret•rtent Rewlator•y AutiOOty (PPRA) interested Wicants are reqJired to *ter on be eligible foc particoation, RFP Document comatling detailed and conditions iS available lor the registered bidders on EPAOS üzv+gvn.punjab.eprocure„, ard Punjab Procurement Regulatory Autfntity (PPRA}Weosite 4. The RFP the Technical & Financial Proposal prepared in accordance with the iClStruc:tjons in the RFP docwment. 11WSt te subfilitted on EPADS on or t*foc 7WSeptemoer 2024. no later than 03.00 PM. technical Proposal be opened same day on EPAOS at 0330 FM , Manual Bids shall be 5. Incase. the last date for puüh0idaythen next workiir,q cay wil be corsidereo for Proposal submission & opening. GENERAL MANAGER (PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS) INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB IIDAP) 50 8-3. Gulberg•lll, Lahore, Pakistan. Ph: 42 99332632-42 [email protected] I vaww,dampk O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) IPL-8144 from Dunya dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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