Highway Division Muzaffarabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Govt of State Azad Jammu & Kashmir OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD Highway Division Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu & Kashmir NOTICE FOR INVITING E-BIDDING (Under Single Stage Single Envelope E.Bidding System) "Highways Division Cornwumigation Works, Govt. Of Azad Junmu & invites Bid* in with AJK PW•R-A Rules as Singic E.'ive:'opc Procedure the eligible licensed by the Püi:stN1 Engineering Couweil and having in C&W' Govt A.J&K FY 2024-23 in cage-gory as work in column S with Speci•iintion Code CV.;OI for Roxds & Code ICE-02 for Bj•i'.lgcs the '*Of'S. Bidders desirous get Employer foa bidding as joint venture. 2 3 s 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 the Were LAO w Adi..f 0 Ya.'.•å Roe' NC' kulven Lergo I-km Cost '106 OACO i 1:00"" newly (bidders are directed to get uscmame znd Imin details frequ IT Section, Offiec Of The Chief Block H. OHQ Muzaffuabad. BidderVVirms which already with the cao use already userna.rlk & password. and to Bidders can Inta•csted bidders have their Ekctroni.e 00 doe above. will be opencd per sc.lwbAle •nd at tbc time Bidders or their nominated representative& Opmins Comrni inter•eged bidders shall of Bank Rccei Divisional Joint Will be •cisible to of &p06i'i Of Bid Securuy in with their relevant documents on its TIE "Virms quoting 'their races of Estimates. Shall submit *tuitional 'bid 'to the diffete•uce betwee1 En u:inggkng Bid pried, in Divisional JOE:nt *eve upload of Bank Receipt its ("Bid Security + Bid be uploaded on of System:)- bid of be ret'umed through award ot cootrøct '0 the o r bid, percÄtage par) Bus;is. 'Only Tsao digits Electron-ie Biddir. Shall be decimal ! evaluation are not to poticipa,tg in the bidding The shall furnish an neither blacklisted nC« involved in Govt- in territory of 'the state of AJK Ot Federally Cf Of P:aklist'A1, of Chitinal Bülk Receipts Bidding by Highways Division si"i.ed & stamped by rnusi be the rebevult office or Ihe Executive Division hours of büt upload Letter 01' Bid of the Othe doeummts required for per Eid Sheet ard POQ Dasbl»ard. mte ret-twining dat*'partivulars be submined in shape COPY with uploaded Within 48 hours of their bid(S). such will disqualified. In E-Bidding System the supp:it'ts only PDF fibe for Technical Profile uploading OJ*iOO, lhgefore in Läested bidders shall upload their Technical Profile PDF file format Any who Of does not ha!ud eopie;s Of complete including dashboard Shall dispalified and Shall bæut•cd fog two years for participation in my type of bidding colmpct•nt 't:2v rights to all or any bid Clause of Row Note: Notice is touowi•g websites (Engr. Zahid Hussain Gillani) Executive Engineer PWD Highway Oivision "%naffarabad Ph 05822•920020 O Newspaper ( Zö Aug, zuz4) from Dunya dated 28 August, 2024
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