Infrastructure Development Authority Sargodha Tender Notice for Procurement For Supply Installations,Commissioning Maintenances Of Digital Color Doppler , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDAP) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TENDER NO. IDAP HCP/ NSICS/ME.240823-1/P3F PROCUREMENT FOR SUPPLY. INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING & MAINTENANCE OF DIGITAL COLOR DOPPLER (PACKAGE NO. 03, LOT.F) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF NAWAZ SHARIF INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY. SARGODHA. •tvfros&ucture Deveiop«ent Aur•atty pur•Éb' OAP teeri esrot*hed os the ot Act. by the Pl.r•Pb deonhg cmstuction mentenmce of watt inlenotknci moctces to cope vdh tutue deveioprneni needs. 2. ot gocuternent ae as Secuty FRA Rules in RFP D:cument) upto dote) Vdey SSTE 3. rote lh0t be caried Wt EPADS Purpb Authüity to reøster on EPADS to be patie"m. RFP Doarner•d and registered O'ADS (PPRA) W e,bute http'l/pprooo•niob 0k. 4, RfP techrÉal Ptocose gegaed it occado-•ce h FP be n0rriited CADS on late' thot 12:00 PA. Prcoon.l on the someday efPADS ot PR Marud Shall rd be occepled. S. the day considered Ice Ptoposd ghrisson L (IPL-8142) GENERAL MANAGER (PROCU ZONTRACTS) INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDAP) $0 B•3$ Lahore, Pakistan. Ph: +92 (0) 42 99332632-42 O Newspaper ( 28 Aug, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 28 August, 2024
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