Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Boiler Suits & Saftey Shoes For Seafarers Of Pnsc , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (Statutory Corporation, established under the ordinance, XX of 1979) INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION (For subsequent Closed Framework Agreement) PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR SUPPLY OF BOILER SUITS AND SAFETY SHOES FOR SEAFARERS OF PNSC FLEET (CREW, OFFICERS AND STAFF) 2024-2026 Bid No. PRCD/BLR-S-SHS/PNSC/2024/328 1. Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) invite bids on EPADS System through e-procurement for the Boiler Suits and Safety Shoes for Seafarers of PNSC, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for these services. 2. PNSC intends to prequalify Firms for Invitation to Bid(s), and sign the framework agreement with the selected bidder subsequent to bidding process of Closed Framework Agreement. 3. The objective of the intended closed framework agreement is Boiler Suits and Safet Shoes for Seafarers of PNSC and the purpose of this Prequalification Notice is to provide the very basic information to enable the potential applicants to decide whether or not to respond to this Prequalification Notice. 4. Only the prequalified applicants shall be entitled to participate in the procurement proceedings, and it is expected that the invitation to Bids will be made to the Prequalified Applicants in Septem ber, 2024and Closed Framework Agreement will be signed between the PNSC and the successful bidder as Framework Agreement Supplier in SEPTEMBER 2024 for the period of 01 year. 5. Prequalification process is open for all Applicants subject to fulfilling the eligibility requirements mentioned in the respective Prequalification Documents. Interpo Applicants may obtain further information from the PNS9 aethe address mentioned below during office hours 0930 to 163Q}trs PKT. 6. Bidding documents will be downloaded by only those firms who are registered with PPRA for - rocurement on EPADS system web link https://eprocure.qo .p #/auth/loqin for tendering in PNSC through their E-mai addresses which were provided by them to PPRA at the time o their registration. 7. Interested Firms are advised to Register on PPRA EPADS system the submission of Tender, Web link for 8. Applicant's applications who are registered with PPRA EPAD on the EPADS system may submit the tender documents, which should be duly filled in, signed, and stamped, no later than 03:00 PM hours PKT on September 12, 2024, which will be opened on the same day at 03:30 PM in the Presence of applic Ints, who wish to attend. 9. Application received through any other mode of submission shall not be entertained or accepted. PNSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bid(s) as per PPR, 2004. MUHAMMAD SHOAIB IDREES MANAGER S.S.B First Floor, PNSC Building, M.T Khan Road, Karachi. Pakistan. Phone: 92-21-99204060 Email: [email protected] , U [email protected] Website: ewspaper ( Aug, zuz ) from Businessrecorder dated 28 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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