Office Of The Accountant General Pakistan Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of File Cover Standard Laminated With Printed,Note Sheet,Register,Envelope,Ball Pen Red,Ball Pen Blue,Stamp Pad Blue,Stamp Pad Ink,Stapler,Paper Pin,Gum Bottle Fixsol,Gem Clips,Hole Punch Standard Size,Scissor Steel,Thread Balls,Pin Cushion , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AGPR SUB-OFFICE KARACHI TENDER NOTICE 2024-25 Sealed Tenders are invited from locome tax and sales tax registered contractors (Who are on Active List of for the supply of stationery items. in the office of the Aeeountant General Pakistan Revenue, Sub-Office, University Road, Karachi, as per details mentioned in the Tender of each item must be provdcdwith the bid. Otherwise bid will not be considered, Details of stationary iteros and quantity required are Siven below; s. Item Description (1) (2) File Cover Standard Laminated} 1, with nted OGPR Karachi. 2. Fi"e Boud (Size File Cover) 3, Note Sheet each 4. Paper A4 size (80 gram4 oazes of each reams Fm Pages each Register) 6. Resister Pages oeeach Register) Vt. With 8. Envelope S.E. •6 with printed DGPRKa 9, Ball : each packetof10 ieces Statt•tp Pad 12 Piete:s Of eaeh Stamp Pad Ink (blue) 12. 12 Pieces of each Box 13. Stapler Standard 14, Stapler Standard IS. Gum Bottle (Glue) 16. paper oteach "ket G cm IICO dips of each packet) Punch Standard Siee 19, Scissor Steel Ori inal [a e site 21. SteelSta'e Pin Cushion Lead Pencil 23, 12 Fieces Of each Box Paper Part•'111Ät51 Century Paper 168 grarns• - S") Paper Per sheet mt per set Century Paper 468 grams "V - SE) Ribbon for Printronix Printer p Ribbon) Onef Or IHP Jet OS.AI 28. Toner or Printer Printer I!'IP Laser Jet IF-A1 30. Tocer for Printer IKP LaserJet 19-A} jet 32. Toner for Priotgn. IMP LaserJet 3•Al Printer SS-A1 34. Tomer for Printer Laser jet 1 Printer ISO-AJ Craft Pad S.S La siie 36. 37. File Tags LargeVensth "9" inch) File length inch) Grant total* Specification of itern being Offered fi {6S gram 165 gram P SOOO/3C00 ICa Retorter PIN as r let HP Leaser jet ( APPX) 4000 Pieces 300 Pieces SOO ieces SOO Reams Pieces 400 Pieces 6000 Pieces 6000 Pieces 300 300 SO Boxes 200 Pieces Isoo Pieces 100 Pieces 100 Packets 100 200 Pieces 200 300 Pieces 100 100 Pieces SO doxes 100 (2000 sh per 12 Pieces Pieces 03 Pieces IS Pieces 1 S Pieces 08 Pieces 10 Piece s SOO Pieces Unit Price rotal unit total without CST Price Bid with GST value (6) 181 document Can be purchased on cash payment Of One Thousand & Hundred only) non-refundable from the cashierofthis office from 29-08-2020 Uhursdan, during the working hours. • Clo"fWdate of tender submission is (Monday). at 11:00 Hrs. Tender win be opened ih the presence cf bidders/ revesentatives who choose to attend on the same day i.e 230-2024 at 11:30 am. • out 5% of the contract price as earnest money through pay order considering the items they are interested in supp&yinßi otherwise bids will cot be considered. PIO c ews paper ACCOUNTS OFFICER (Adm-II) ug, from Kawish dated 27 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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