University Of Sargodha Sargodha Tender Notice for Procurement Of Led 85 , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Tender Noiiee University of Sargodha Tender No. 10/2024-25 University of Sargoota intends to the below mentioned items- Relevant interested finns registered with Incon•r Tax GST departments may chain send their tender, upto 12-09-2024 at 10:30AM and will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM in the presence of representatives of the årms in Directorate of Procurement & Stores- CDRS% Sr. No. Description Tender Vee 01 Cost Rs. 'IYRMS CONDITIONS Detailed bi&iing d•xuments a.1Z available Stores anet the publicati•n of tender notice fnxn the Diro:torate of Procurement & demand draft (Non-Refundable) of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. above mentioned in favccofTremurei" University of Sargodha Ifbids are sent through courier iPanbidding docmnent fee On the form of demand draft} must be sent in separate envelope.'Otherwise bid "'MI not be accepted. The Bidding earryung.all.,éetails can also be downloaded from website of University of Sargodha htppJJsu" wetsute of Punjab Regulatory Auth01ity http:} University of Sargodha responsible for any cost cc exgrnse incurred by Bidders in connection with the pcépai'XEOn ccdélivery of Buds s c:heduled ' 'CDR (Refundable} lunpsum of estimated amount mentiono:i above in tlr Treasurer, University of Sargodha nu:st attached with Technical bid Bid SecGi,ty., Detailed specifieåtions along with estirn;ated cost are available in the bidding document. tn ease ofgffteial holiday on the day of submission, neyvt day will treated closing Fec all eutgspondence, please use p:stal ad&ess, Directorate of Procurenwnt & Stores, tJni'erGty of Sargodha. Sargodha. Fl' firther &tails please contact on phone No- 048-9230110. WiM be made under PPRA {Punjab) rule "single stage two envelope as amended from time to tinw. I I. All Finns shall have to follow all tetms and conditions issued by I-liliversity of Sargodha and O PPRA {Punjab} from time to tirne- Chairman Purchase Committee Durecto:rate of Procurement & Stores Unwersity of Sargodha No: 048-9230110, 048-9230811 Newspaper ( 27 Aug, Activate Windo Go to Settir.cs to act 2024) from Ppra dated 27 August, 2024
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