Health Department Dir Lower Tender Notice.jpeg for Procurement Of Medical Items and Equipments,Purchase Of Medical Gases,Local Purchase Of Medicines,Purchase Of Food,Purchase Of Office Equipment,,Stationery Items,Bio Medical Equipments,Repair of Bio Medical Equipments Framework Contract Of Medicine & Surgical Disposable,Framework Contract For Purchase Of Printing & Stationery Items,Purchase Of Xray Machinery , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICER DIR IOWER UNDER NAT!QNA! COMPETATIVE BIDDING FQ8 YEAR 2024-25 The oltice of the District Health Officer Dir Lower invites sealed bids under National competitive bidding from highly reputed National and International firms/Distributions/ Manufactures and authorized sole agents for procuring of the following items/Service throug single stage One envelop bidding procedure, under Khyber Pkhtunkhwo Procuremnt of Good. works and Service Rules 2014 for the finicial year 2024-25 S. No 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name of Items Stationary Laboratory Chemical 'Reagent X.RAY Films Medical Gases Washing Charges Bidding Clothing Others Contingency Repair Ot Furniture Repair of Vehicle Repair of Machinery & Equipment The approved rate shall stand effective till 30/06/2025. Amount of CDR 4000 4000 ooo Bidding Documents containing specification / det of products along with terms office hours as till dote /time Of ond conditions may be obtained from this office bid closing. Tender must be types on original com ny ttQ head, sealed property. and signed page by page by lhe bidders and with th quoted rate submitted in words and figures in printed form. Hand written and edite#ld$'ill not be enteroined. Sealed bids will be accepted till "24 at 1000 AM in this office and will be opened d representative who choose to attend the in the presence of bidders Of theida meeting on 20-09-2024 at I I e BID SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS from the Clerk of The interested bidders may his ffice on submission of WTitten application on their letter Developmental Section efundable fee of Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand only) head Olong with paym ere applicable must be attached. Proprietary certific All taxes wilt be dedu ed05 per Govt: rules. The bidder in c eo •nner. will be bound to ensure "the supply to the Main Store within of time, otheß•ise penalty and other action os per Govt rules will be the stipulated imposed All fitrnsero.t be registered with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority/FBR where applicgpie. Bids secuåity in the form of CDR (as mentioned in form of each) in the favor of District .yelih Officer Dir Lower must be submitted. I I. sep&ote bids will be submitted for each items/Lot. 12, The Competent Authority hos the tight to reject some or 011 bids under clause-47 of KPPRA rules 2014. D ct Health Officer r Lower at Timetgara Address: Office of the District Health Officer Dir Lower Bolombat Timergaro Dir Lower. Email: dhQdifl@qmqiJcom Phone: 0945-9250098 O Newspaper (27 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 27 August, 2024
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