Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Tender Notice for Auction,Canteen,Cafeteria,Tuck Shop,Cabine,Shops,Halls , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ABDUL WALI KHAN UNIVERSITY MARDA-N (QUALITY EDUCATION AT DOOR STEP) Sealed bids are invited from well-established/reputed firmsfsupphers registered with Sale Income tax and KPRA department, where applicable for the following jobs. Sr.# Name of Jobs Procurement Pre-Bid Issuance of Meeting Bidding Documents Upto 1. 2. Tender for Open auction o Tender for Method ingle Stage wo Envelppe rocedure ingle Stage wo Envelppe 10-09-2024 12:OOPM 10-0 M terms and -2024 0:00 AM 17-09-2024 10:00 AM Bid Submission Date & Time 17-09-2024 11:30 AM 17-09-2024 11:30 AM Bid Opening Date & Time 17-09-2024 12:00 PM 17-09-2024 12:00 PM Open auction o rocedure cabins, shops and halls 1. Bidding documents along conditions can be downloaded from websites and can also be obtamed from Procurement office during working days, Monday to Friday, fro@l AM to 04:00 PM- 2. Tender document must o pany Demand DraN'Ppy Order of Rs. 2000 - (Non-Refündab1e) as a tender document fee in favor reasurer AWKUM along with Technical bid. 3. Earnest money,'Bid &bullty mentioned in the bidding documents for each job in shape of CDR in favor of Treasurer Abdul Khan University Mardan 4. The bidder has to submit separate bid for each of the job mentioned above. Procurement Officer Abdul Wali Khan University Mardanrel. No. 0937- 920868 Email: [email protected] , from Ppra dated 27 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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