Urban Areas Development Autority Swat Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** URBAN AREAS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY KANJU TOWNSHIP SWAT AUCTION NOTICE Urban Area Authort' Swat intendG I.ege space near Swat Mini ZCO'POSSCAXI Y.ariiu mtase•l tryouqtt Putuc Auction EC'YdåfR* Aleas Auction Regulanons 2022 menthned 2. 3, S. 6, S, 10, 12. gage: EiCibäty: 8uyes Jeqisyatjon wth the Khiter Pi"t'ZOhwa Revenue status be active a CCR Rs. earst trenw•ne 0" OrectrLlADÅ. Swat Thesarne shi be seyt'itte•d to the EStabliShmert. LIPOA- Swat 1010 The genod dt use 'or panjng oaceshall Seone year reckoned fie 01 Sqringoliease tne lights in accordance wth to accot or reÉCl the bdS IS durs trorn the date Auctjon. ThCALOO.•ity may reasons teje:tonttequitew eenest the successtul snav pay percent) 01 le5e money *ithiti 10 working days Ct itsennce Of atceowte & 01 Aot:tifi. addition, the pay Starmect one mootn in srta be aauted as tentor las: tTjontnattne Ease. successfu Didger snOe)ibE to the lent ottne Parma i't advancdbd0'e filth Of eath 'tonth. case swetta.roe atthe rate c' eat*' on tne telaut amount in rwrrve tnantnreemgntns. tesumed tock *Lttotity. exnest money apeaoj' tepqsiteø as be to successlui When fie lease tem getting conce•nedaffces. deductions 01 any the successtu execute-t , successful ease rney gayasesvte the Successful fates Lif Suc«sstut wth A1 the time oi fre signed checques in aö•ance cd each monthly w biddeasawarrceet'tnegutnooty. to tne palkjng tee accomance "*t" we ae ung Space tor any AftEt•tt1e lege any or receive any nana N Puki' Space to tneauthonty biffilease holder 'espq.nsö@Ior O,mdy payment gt duties tinwtötn. en case tre pnce tidder raits tease the snavtcrfe•itthe Security and rnæ/' ctlg tidder awzt cd contract it mice s above reserved prtC. ".cas.eol any Auction proceongs Date: C6'IB2CQZ. The s.zme 1 745/24 THE DIRECTOR URBAN AREAS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, SWAT SECTOR-C KANJU TOWNSHIP, TEHSIL KABAL, DISTRICT SWAT. O Newspaper (21 Jul, 2024) from Aaj dated 21 July, 2024
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