Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Information for outsourcing of various facilities at the gandhara Heritage & culture center , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Government of Pakistan CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Islamabad REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFD FOR OUTSOURCING OF VARIOUS FACILITIES AT THE GANDHARA HERITAGE AND CULTURE CENTER, LOCATED IN F-g PARK, ISLAMABAD The Capita DevelopmentAuthority (CDA) you to submit a response to this Request for Information (RFI) regarding the outsourcing of the various facilities at the Gandhara Henage and Culture Center, located in F-9 Park, Islamabad wm the objective to preseræ and promote culural heritage; provide educational and recreationd opportunies, enhance u)mmunity well-beiU supßl)rt I(XZI economy and tourism, sustainabiläy and environmental responsiblty, The Gandhara Heritage and Culture Center is a premier development aimed at and pæsetving the rich cultural heritage of the Gandhara dWizatjonv The center includes the ffowing facilites aiming to enhance he wel-beirg and -or;iÄl connections of our members by creating an enriching environment where mviduals from diverse bedgrounds cal unite to learn, grow, and brish. CDA invites and requests infomafion from the following in each categoryffaciiY: a. b. c. d. e. Lodges Block: Invitaüon to all enmies exprienced the lodges business. Banquet Halls/Outdoor DiningfEvent *aces: I to experts in event management and outdoor dining services, GymnasiumjFitness Area: to h gym and fitness ænter operaticns. Mufti-purpose sports facility with a maximurw•pace allocation of 20 kanals outdoor space adjacent to already constructed tenn• courts (x2)'1 Invitation b specialists in managing multi- purpose sportsfacilitjes, Additional Amenities/FaciIities: In to providers of salon, spa, rebil, and Oher addtioral anenitbes. tEligibiity citeria wu be defined at the RFP Conditions for the facilities mentionéå a. One entity b. Specificinformationin ' categoryisrequestedfrominterestedenbbes Please note; This Request for Informa ) is interried to colect data tlat will inform the development of a detailed Request fcr Proposal at a subsequent stage. Responses to this RFI are for nforrnatjcn-gathering purposes cnly and consftute a binding agreement The Capital Development ALIhonty (CDA) retains proprietay 'ntere:stimall information received ard may utiize it at ts discretm. Submission of information in response this RFI does not create any rights or obligations fcrCDA, irrespectve of how the infomatcn is used, The inforrnatkjn to be submitted or before 246 July, 2024. For collection of RFI, please contact: Director Resource, Executive Block, CDA Headquarters G-7j4, Islamabad, (Phone No, 051•9252035), 051•9252616, *Please contact the above for site visits, the verification of dimensions and size of the area shall be the responsibility of the entity itself. O Newspaper ( 14 Jul, 2u24) from Nawaiwaqt dated 14 July, 2024
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