Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice (2) for Transaction Advisor,firm or Consortium of Firm , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT #HumCDA AUTHORITY EXPRESSION OF INTEREST HIRING OF TRANSACTION ADVISOR / FIRM OR CONSORTIUM OF FIRMS (LEGAL AND FINANCIAL) FOR HOTEL PLOTS (PLOT # 6 & 8 AT F-5/1, ISLAMABAD) The Capital Development Authority (CDA) was established in 1960 and is one of the oldest civic organizations in Pakistan. The authority was created with the aim to develop and maintain the capital city, Islamabad, and its surrounding areas. Over the years, the CDA has displayed a crucial role in the planning, design, and development of the city, ensuring its growth and modernization. The authority has been responsible for the construction of various iconic landmarks in Islamabad, including government buildings, parks, and residential areas. 2- CDA intends to hire the services of a Transaction Advisor/firm or consortium of firms (TA) registered with SECP & ICAP (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan) covering financial and legal advisory services. Phase I: Undertake a comprehensive feasibility study for the transaction. Phase 2: If required, provide advisory services for the procurement conclusion of the transaction. 3- The advisory services shall include but not be limited to: (i) legal due diligence of the property (ii) commercial assessment (iii) financial feasibility assessment enunciating risks and their costs (iv) transaction structuring analysis for the project including optimal value for money;(v) Transaction documents including technical and legal assistance support; and (vi) assistance in execution of bidding process in an efficient, and competitive manner and successful closure of the Transaction as per regulations of the Authorityc TA is expected to associate law firm with relevant experience. TA with the requisite demonstrable experience in real estate related advisory services may submit its relevant profiles along with following information: i. Global Ranking of the TA in any of the globally recognized league tables during the last 05 years ii. Proof of registration with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments (active tax payer status); iii. Detail of at least two (2) real estate transaction advisory projects of over PKR 5 Billion executed by the TA during last Ten (10) years. iVi Undertaking that TA or any associated member has not been black listed by any Government department and/or Public Sector Organization and v. Audit reports of last three years 4- EOI documents are available on PPRA E-PADS portal and can be downloaded from CDA's website free of cost. The hard copies of EOI documents may be purchased from the office of Dy. Director-II P&CA-I, Room No.28, Block No. III, P&C Wing CDA Secretariat G,7/4, Islamabad up to 02.00024 upon submission of application with a non-refundable amount Rs.3,000/- (Rup thousand only) in shape of cash being cost of the Bidding Documents durin r g hours on or before given date and time. 5- Transaction Advisor/firm or consortiu firms also registered with PPRA on E-PADS as TA Consultants are eligible to purchåéå & submit the EOI documents. The selection will be made in accordance with the ålit) and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method. 6- Assignment related informa io ay be obtained from the Focal Person Mr. Sajjad Ullah cell #0321-5033313, 7- EOI should be accompahiéd with Bid Security / earnest Money Rs, 01.00 Million (refundable) in the foröbf Pay order/CDRs in favor of DDO-Procurement & Contract, CDA. The prospective blddéis shall upload scanned copy of Bid Security on E-PADS and original will be submittedtå the office of Director P&C-I, CDA, along with the EOI. 8- The prospec •öhransaction Advisor/firm or consortium of firms are also required to submit thel 01 online through E-PADS at before opening date. Original EOI in accordance with the provisions of Rule 36(b) of Public Procurement Rules-2004 and terms & conditions defined in the EOI documents must be submitted at below mentioned address on or before 05.08.2024 at 11:00 AM. 9- The submitted EOI will be opened publicly on the same day (Monday) 05.082024 at 11 AM in the presence of the Committee & Bidder's authorized Representatives who choose to attend the opening session to be held at the office of Director P&C-I (Room No 29 Block III CDA, Secretariat, G-7/4 Islamabad. 10-The Authority reserves the right to reject all the applications as per PPRA Rules 2004. 1 1 -The Advertisement is also available on CDA and PPRA's websites. Deputy Director-II P&CA-I, CDA Block No Ill, Room No.28 CDA Secretariat, Sector G 7/4 Islamabad 051-9252422 O Newspaper ( 14 Jul, 2024) PID(I) 378/24 from Nawaiwaqt dated 14 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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