Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Hiring Of Transaction Advisor,Firm Or Consortium Of Firms , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT #HumCOA AUTHORITY EXPRESSION OF INTEREST HIRING OF TRANSACTION ADVISOR / FIRM OR CONSORTIUM OF FIRMS (LEGAL AND FINANCIAL) FOR HOTEL PLOTS (PLOT & 8 AT F-5/1, ISLAMABAD) Capdal Ceveloønent Authority (COA} was established is ot ddesl C*iiC trga'uatkws Pakistan. authitN*y was created with the airti to dQ,lcoand rnüitäil me captai Citi'. Islamabad, Utd ds surroL0ding areas. mer years' COA has dsøtayed a erucu tee il fre planrütg, tBian, ard City, ensuring dS *OWth The autl•oriy has been responsible ccosrucSan vatic•.js iconic landrrwks Islwnabad, including goverrunent tQJik:fngs. parks, and areas. 2, CDAi9teusto registered with SECP ICAP (Insttute ot Chartered Accou<s of Paustan) and legal üiSCO' setices. Phase Undertake a convehemsia•e teasitey study Ice the transacSon. Phase 2.• If teqtÉed, provide at"iscey serviC@S prccutenent concluson OT 3- The savices Shill include bid nd to: (i) due [Mgence Of prover* (i} commercial assessment ("J liranci* feasibiliy assessment entactatiro tisks their costs transaction strudwima e•sis proiect imludirp vdue trgtsactjcgv doctrnents tecrncal legal assjstancc support: ard O") assetance in execution bit%ilq prccess in an eot•npeuwe trta.met a.M stncesslU' 01 Transaction as reguta.ti•ocs Ot t.F* Authcrity, TA g:qected to associate tern wth rekvant ewerience. TA with requiGite tea.l estate related atösary sevices may subtWt r */Mtt proffes irtforrnautn: i, GlcOal of last 05 ii, Proar 01 with Tax Sales Tax Oeputnents (active payer Status}; iii. Oetaa at at Jogt two rea.l estate t.t*'sactkrn athtisoty prqectg Ot PKR 5 811iC(i by (bling last Ten (10} years, iv- Ulit TA or associ*ed tnernt« EdiCk 'Sted by Govemn•ent put& v. Ant* reports Ot last ttøee Fars 4. EOIdocumeotsarea•æableonPP8AE.PAOS "'ewe of cost The be dawdoadCd from CDAs CCOi@S C' EOI dccurnents be purchased from attice No 28. No. COA Segetariat Ishmabad up to 02084024 sut«nissi.m ap•gøcation a non-refartda.ble an•tount Rs .3,DCO'• thousand in SIV Ot east' be:ittq cost cd hours on or date and *ne, S- Transacti(fi Ct consorßi.ugvo' aeo rewstered with PPA on É•PADS as IA Ccosutlards are to & submit the EOI d,cc.urrMts, The *COfå.nce with Cost Based Sek•ction IOC8S) method. 6. related rnay be obtOd trom fre Focal Person Mr. Saiad #0321-5033313. acconaxiéd wifr Bid security earnest Money Rs. 01.00 Wlicn in pay in O' 000-PrOCtzegrent & COA, øro:spective *Bers scanned CCPii 01 did Searity 00 t•PADS and be the Otfcg af Director P&C-I, COA- alcog witti EOL 8• The Transaction AåiSOf/tirm Ot eonsc«tium o' firns are also I'eq'.fiCd to onlir,e through E.PAC$ at betace opening date, Oli•$nal EOI acccod,uvce with the provisiiNS o' Rule 361b} Public Procurenera Rules•2004 and terms & conations lietined in tie EOI nust be uncrated at Qntioned ädåess at 1103 AM. AM in the presence C' tle Comrnittee & •uthc&ed who Choose to attend tle apetit•pg sessicn to be at the ctfiee Oirector (Room NO 29 BIOCk l'" CDA. Segetariat. G-74 'O" Aj.jt.rmty reserves the right to reject all the Wiitabons as PPAA Riles 2004. 11- The Advertisement is also avit±le on COA Yid PPRAs websaes. Deputy P&CA.I, CDA NO Ill, NO-28 CDA Secretariat. Sector G 7/4 Islamabad 051-9252422 PIO*" 378124 from Dunya dated 14 July, 2024
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