National Highway Authority Islamabad Tender Notice (2) for Consultancy Services , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION' GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (PROCUREMENT & CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SECTION) TENDER NO. 61638) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY & DETAILED DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, MANSEHRA-MUZAFARABAD EXPRESSWAY (CPEC LINK) (26.6 KM APPROX.) The National Highway Authority irtends to hire/engaqe a Consultant (Engineering OrganizationFirm) tor "Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study & Detailed Design for Construction of Mansehra-Muzafarabad Expressway (CPEC tink) (26, 6 Km Approx.)". Proposals are invited from reputable Consultants (Engineering Organization*' Firms) having valid Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) registration certificate in relevant field along with enlisment on active Tax Payer List ot Federal Board of Revenue and the detail eligibility crneria mentioned in the RFP documents. RFP documents can be downloaded trom NHA'S websitf. ( tree of cost or the same can be purchased from the office of General Manager (P&CA). NHA&bullHO, Islamabad during walking hours and working days Oli' ritten request of firm's letter head accompanied pay order/demand draft am to Rs.I.0CO/- (nonrefundable) in favor of National Highway AuthoriW. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held ulyQ5, 2024 at 1100 Hours in the office ot General Manager (P&CA), National Hig Authority, Islamabad. Procurement will be out by adoptip "Single Stage Two Envelopes" procedure. The Proposals convlete in all respe&tsvjn accordance with the instructions provided iii the RFP document. in sealed envelopeSjshould reach on or before August 13.2024 at 1130 Hours in the office of GeneralHanager (P&CA), NHA-HO, 28-Mauve Area, Sector G-g/l t, Islamabad and be clearlynaikeé "Consuuancy Services for Feasibility Study & Detailed Design for ConstrucfjomoCMansehra-Muzafatabad Expressway (CPEC Link) (266 Km Approx.)" Consultants are required submit their proposal strictly iii accordance to Instructions to Consultants (ITCLPata Sheet ot ITC and RFP Notice, Proposals must be prepared nard book binding tornto deny the possibility ot addition or removal ot page(s). The Technical Proposals shan be opened on Mte same day at 1200 hours, whereas the Financial Proposals of the technically qualitied firms Shall be opened atter finalization of technical evaluation, Other details are provided in the RFP The Firms/Consultants providing unsubstantiated and/or incorrect information are liable to legal action and/or disqualification. The Authority reserves the right to reject all the proposals as per PPRA Rules 10. This advertisement is also avaiable on PPRA website at GENERAL MANAGER (P&CA) National Highway Authority 28-Mauve Area, Sector G-9/1 , P. O. Box No. 1205, Islamabad Phone: 051 &bull9032727 & Email: [email protected] PID (l) No-375/24 O Newspaper ( 14 Jul, 2024) from Aaj dated 14 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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