District & Session Court Abbottabad Tender Notice for Extension of bar room for provision of facilities to female lawyers in the premises of season, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE ABBOTTABAD NOTICE INVITING TENDER (Single Stage Two Envelop Bidding System) Oilicc of thc District & Session Judge Abbottabad, invites Bids from thc eligible firms / bidders' contractor in accordance with KPPRA procurement Rules 2014, Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure for thc following work. firm .&bullbiddcr.'contractor should registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and Department in relevant category, Last date & fat Oat' or Oat&bull8tirne Security PerÉdOf Narre E.nm,sjctt Of By CO*JJI Ostr±t openttg 01 C#ltiing Of (M} it S/Duty Completion & bid Fhancid Bid Financial beds opened attog t9.O't.2024 Oid 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. Bid solicitation documents and instruction to bidders can be collected from the offceofundersigned up to 1907.2024 during office hours or downloaded from this office website (https://g!*bottabaddc.peshawgrhigheoprt.gqv.p%) before the submission date/time. Income tax at the rate of 7S % shall be deducted f bill of payment. Payment will be made in 04 equal installments. All bidders are required to be registered ov hyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority under Finance Act, 2013 Act o. Xxi of 2013. Venue of Bids opening is office of trict & Sessions Judge, Abbottabad, Technical proposal should accom following: a. Bid Securivy 2% Of thc Estimataæt in the Shas* Of call deposit in (original) enclosed in technical proposal. The bidders who quote their bids / rates than below thc Engineers estimate shall also an additional security in thc form of call deposit equal to 8% of the Estimated Cost Technical proposal. b. Enlistment Order of Departrnent (photocopy) C. Renewal of registratipn for C,FY (Photcxopy) d. National Identity Card (CNIC Photocopy) e. Valid Pakistan Engineering Council registration copy for cu calendar year. f. Documents shoying general capabilities, financial soundness, general and relevant experience recogl. personnel capabilities, equipment capabilities and Income Tax NTN Certificates. e g. Any othg document to support the technical bid. Technical evaluation will be out with pass fail threshold. Passing criteria includes, PEC Registration. Enlistment with Deptt., Tax Payer proof, Relevant experience in past 05 years, Performance Technical Personnel, required Equipment, Financial status. Auditors report Managerial capabilities, Litigation status etc. is mandatory: Tirne allowed for the completion of the woü as specified in the NIT shall start from the issuance of LOX employer has the authority to reject any bid or all bids assigning cogent reasons. INFIP) 1690/24 District & Session Judge, Abbottabad. Phone No. 0992-921051 O Newspaper ( 14 Jul, 2024) from Aaj dated 14 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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