Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Installation and Reparing Of Tube Well System,Tube Well Work , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NO. DDP/63. REPLACEMENT QF BOREHOLE OF UJRSR AT PARK. ANARKALI sup LPA. LAHORE Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA), Lahore Development Authority (LDA) (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") invites the sealed Bids from Contractor/Firm (Companies having valid license from PEC in category or above with specialization in codes (CE•09 & CE•IO) registered with FBR and PRA (having Active Filer NTN and PNTN), for "REPLACEMENT OF BOREHOLE OF 2-CFS CAPACITY TUBEWELL AT ROYAL PARK, ANARKALI SUB DIVISION, WASA, LDA, LAHORE" 2. The bidding documents are available immediately after publication (2014 PPRA Rule 25(1)) in the offce of the undersigned situated at S9•F, Lahore and a complete set of Bidding Documents can be obtained on submission of written application addressed Deputy Director Procurement along with above mentioned documents (having active filer FBR & PRA cerffcate, and valid PEC license in category or above with specialization in codes CE•09 & CE•iO) and payment of a non-refundable fee of PakRs.4000 (Pak Rupees Four Thousand Only). Bidding documents shall be issued to owner of the firm by showing original CNIC and / or to Authorized representative of firm 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. having authority letter with specimen signature Of representative of firm along with original CNIC Bidding documents can also be downloaded from authoritys website via the E-tendering address: Single stage two envelope bidding Procedure will be adopted. Bids (Technical & Financial) prepared in accordance with the instructions given in the Bidding Documents must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the shape of CDR for an amountof 3% of estimated cost amounting to Rs.284,OOO/•. Last date for purchase of bidding documents is 05th August 2024. The Bids (Technical & Financial) must be delivered at the address given above on 07th August 2024 at 12:00 P.M. The Technical bids will be opened on the same day and the same venue at 12:30 P.M in presence of the bidder's / bidders representatives who choose to participate. Only technically responsive bidder will be qualjfieåfqr opening of financial bid. Financial bids of technically non•responsive bidders shall be returned unopened to the bidders. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal under Punjab PPRA Rule 2014 (Rule-35), Conditional tender will not be accepted. No tender via telegraph orby postwillf epted. No tender will be issued on the date of receipt of tender. Tendered rates and amount should be filledjn figures as well as in words and tenders should be signed as per general directions givey/i'l the tender documents. In case the total tendered amount is equal to or less than 5% (Five) of the approved estimated (DNIT) amount, the lowest bidde"'ill have to deposit Quality Assurance Security / Additional Performance Security from the Scheduled Bank equal to the amount of difference benveen approved DNIT amount and the quoted bidamount. The tenderer shall fill up the bid schedule and indicate the percentage rate above or below the schedule of rates for thÜScheduIed Items" on which he is willing to undertake the each item of work No premium will be quoted by the contractor against Non Scheduled / item rates, failing which the bid shall be rejected In case, the last date of bid submission and opening falls in / within the official holidays, the last date for submission and opening of the bids shall be the next working day, The bid will be valid for the 120 days. Estimated cost (Sana Fatima) DEPUTY DIRECTOR PROCUREMENT WASA, LDA, LAHORE IPL-6646 o Newspaper ( IS Jul, ZUZ4) from Express dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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