Police Department Rajanpur Tender Notice for Hot and Cold,Office Stationery,Printing Materials,Stiching Materials,Lunch Boxes,Furniture,Tyre Tubes,Batteries,Advertisement,Electercity Items,Crime Scene Items,Stationery Items,Computer Stationery,Sports Items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25, DISTRICT POLICE OFFICE RAJANPUR. OPO Office Rajanpur invites E-Bid5 for purchase/provisicn of Misc. Items/Service based on Framevvock Contract from firms, engaged in trading, registered with retevant Registration Authorities and Tax Depatment5fAuth0fities (Inccme Tax, sales Tax & Punjab Sales Tax etc) through open competitive bidding (items Wise basis) for the Financial year 2024&bull25 in following Head Of Accounts. Name of Head 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Statione Com r Statio Crime Scene Items Hot & Cold Tent & Paul Bed & Boxes Printin Items Road Trans Purchase of Plant & Mathi Purchase of Furniture Repair of Machinery R ir of Furniture Electri Items Other S rts Items Ordinance Store Repair & Maintenance of Police guildi Purchase of Medicine Purchase of POL Mobil Oil Cost of Other Store Cost Of Other Store Other Advertisement Charaghan GRAND TOTAL Budget Estimated Cost in Ru 1 200 ooo ooo 300,000 200 ooo 300 ooo 300,000 500 ooo 2 ooo 2 500 ooo 300,000 OOD 200 ooo ooo 50 ooo 500 000 000 100 ooo 49,550.000 3% Security De it 36 ooo 18 ooo 9,000 6 ooo 9 OOO 9,000 15 ooo 6 ooo 7S ooo 75 ooo 9,000 9 ooo 600,000 6 ooo 75,000 1 500 240 ooo 15 ooo 12,000 3,000 3,000 1 486 500 Instruction/Conditions.. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. E-Bids would be opened on PPRA Rules 30 (1) ih presence of bidders or their representatives. All the Procurement will be made by using electronic means torqugh EPADS under Rule 12 of PPRA and Section 5 of Punjab Electronic Procurement Regulations 2022. The bidding*curnents containing all term & conditions, requirements, specification etc, can be downloaded online at and EPADS website i.e closing date and tine Bidding documents may be availäble immediately after the date Of publication under Rule 25 (1) free of cost PPRA Website and EPADS in accordance with sub regulation-4 Of Punjab Procurement Regulation 2022. Each items wise E&bullBids shall comprise a singl containing Technical and Financial (inclusive of all taxes) and in complete conformity with Bidding document be submitted online on E&bullProcurement system (E&bullPADS) Website as pet fonowing schedule:- E-Bid Submission Date & Time E-Bid Opening Date & Time (Tender would be opened i esenceof bidders or their representatives) 31.07.2024 till 11:00 AM 31.07.2024 at 12.30 PM The bidders Shall submit original ritY Of the estimated cost as mentioned the above table under R ule 27 Of PPR,A 2014 Chapter V in an Clearly marked With bidding docuntent number and title, It must be in Shape Of CDR/Bank Guarantee/öemand Draft/ Pay of any scheduled bank CCR head wise or collectively in favour of the DPO Rajanpur before the E &mdashBid submission dead On acceptance tenders, ur total value of the contract in the form o' deposit at call in the name of DPO Rajanpur and draw the contract ag (i) The OPO Rajanbur noe Guarantee shall be refunded cn successful completion of the contract. the rights to reject all E-Båds or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance cf an E-Bids or prcposats under Rules 35 or PPRA 2014, (ii) The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any bidder, the grounds fix its rejection of all E-Bdsor proposals, but shall not be required to justify those grounds. The Tendering process/conditions will be as per Punjab Procurement Rulese 2014 Section 38 (2) stage" "TSvo EnvelopM as expl.ajned in E-Bäddirtg OOCurnentS Technjcal etc Of each i'tegns Shall mandatory, Which will evaluated , ltncome/Sales Tax registration certificate and Other documents as mentioned in E&bullBidding documents must accompany the Technical Bids, Taxes Will be deducted as per Government rules. E&bullgjds validity Will be till the Closure Of financial Year i.e 30.06-2025. The repeat orders shall not exceed 15 & of the original procurement under rules (59 (c) Late comers not be allowed to participate in the Tender. Note case of any difficulty in online submission of E-ßids through E-Pads due to technical issues, District Police Officer Rajanpur c ewspaper u, from Express dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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