Government College Women University Faisalabad Tender Notice for Auction,Canteen,Cafeteria,Tuck Shop , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT COLLEGE WOMEN UNIVERSITY FAISALABAD Ref. No. GCWUF/ Dated: TENDER NOTICE FOR AUCTION OF CANTEEN (2.024-2025) Sealed tenders are invited from income tax and tax registered firms/ franchise/ food chains/ restaurants/ food suppliers/ food industries on the of single stage two envelop procedure for running a canteen at GC Women University, labad. The bidder should have at least 3-years experience in the relevant field of running a an at any Government or Semi-government or private vast network/experience. Detailed terrns and conditions Educational Department/ Organization may be seen in the tender documents +,rhich can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment Of Rs. 2000/: (non-refunda in the form Of C DR/ PAY order in favor of Treasu rer G C bc download from university website. Women University Faisalabad or the office of the undersigned, GC Women University Faisalabad, by Tender must be submi registered post on or before 01&bull.00 PM on 31.07.2024. Technical bid hand or through Couricr se opening time will be 02: M on the same day by the committee in the presence of bidders/ vendors. id will be Rs. (Twelve Point Five Million Rupees). Technical The estimated Cost 0 ix Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Rupees bid security in the Bid shall accomp form of CDR or bank Draft in favor of Treasurer, GC WOmen University Faisalabad (Refundable to unsuccessful bidders). Late submitted bids and tenders received without bid security Will not be entertained, IPL-6609 o Newspaper ( IS Jul, ZUZ4) Prof. Dr. Saima Akram Convener Canteen Auction Committee 041-9220093 from Express dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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