Gomal Zam Irrigation Division Dera Ismail Khan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE FOR INVITING E-BIDDING SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENVELOP PROCEDURE Gomal Zam Irrigation Division DI Khan Irrigation Procurement Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. invites electronic Bids from the eligible firms/ contractors in accordance with KPPRAprocurement rules 2014 on single stage single envelope procedure for the following works:• Name Of Work Sub Works EIM oney., EJCost SfDuty & In Rs T .vee PEC Relevant Code CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOD PROTEc-r10N WORKS, IRRIGATION CHANNELS AND PONDS AND INSTALLATION OF SOLAR IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKnWA. ADP NO. 1835/210455 (2023-24). sub Work:- 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 2. 3, 6. 8. 10. 12 16- 17, CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELLS IN DISTRICT DIKHAN. CONSTRUCaujN ot: BASED WELLS IN PANY ALA & AREA. Package—4 (Supply Of Power by Stolar System //c Pu n Machine all accessories CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELI.S IN DISTRICT DIKIIAN. CONSnu or 05 NOS, SOLAR BASED WELLS IN PAN YALA & KliVCll Pnekngc-S Of Power b' Solar System Ve Machine • CONSTRUCTION OF 07 NOS. SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS IN DISTRICT DIKHAN. Package-6 CUC Maddi) of Power by So/„r System i/c Pu in Machin CONSTRUCTION OF 07 NOS. SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBE WE' S JN DISTRICT DIKHAN. tuc of Po,ver by System i/c n Machinery necessaries CONSTRUCTION OF 08 NOS. SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS IN DISTRICT DIKHAN. Construction or 03 Nos. Solar Irrigation T/wells in UC Khan Muhammad District l) I Khan. Package—2 Of Power by Solar System i/c P" g Machin with accessories CONSTRUCTION OF 08 NOS. SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS IN DISTRICT DIKHAN. Construction or 03 Solar Irrigation in UC Panyala District 01 Khan. Package—I (Supply of Power by Solar System i/c pumpi inery ai with all accesso ries CONSTRUCTION OF 08 NOS. SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION WELLS IN DISTRICT DIKHAN. Construction or 03 solar Irrigation Panyala District D I Khan. pa ckage-2 of Power by Solar System Machinery alo with accessories Installation Of 01 No, Solar Irrigation 'I'ube Well Shifted / Reslocated—at Panyala & Ketch Area District DJ Khan. {Stipply of Power by Solar System ng Maehineo• etlong wilh an accessories Terms & Conditions (or E-Bidi/ijjv.•— 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 140600 140600 140600 1-40600 140600 140600 140600 140600 EE-1 CE-04 EE-II CE-04 EE-1 1 CE-04 EE-IJ CE-04 EE-11 CE-04 EE-11 CE-04 EE-11 CE-04 EE-11 Bidding Documents including instruction to bidders, Tern nd conditions and Evaluation Criteria can be dovmloaded from Irrigation Department Website (www_jr.r.ig;gi"".gkp.pls) and RÄ' Website; for each package separate Bid documents are to be submitted by thc interested bidders, The bidder shall submit their bids through service on or before deadline along with required documents as per detail mentioned in bid solicitation documents. Electronic Bid shall be done on "above / m on BOQ / Engineer estimate. All the participating firm will be evaluated 'riterin dilly included in Bid Solicitation documents and the firms who failed in the criteria will be considered non•respons Venue of Bids Opening is Executive r Irrigtllion l)ivisi01t DIKhan. Ifthe evaluated electronic bid costs of ivo#or more bidders ore equal. then the successful bidder Will be declared through draw / toss, percent (02%) Bid Security/l;.aunest Money Stanvp duty -render Fec the Estimated cost from the account of firnV bidder contractor who submits the bid nvust'beåtccon•ponied with the tender doeuntcnt Quotation through any scheduled bank in favor of Executive Engineer, Gornal Zam Irrigation Division. DIKhnn. Failure to stibntil the 2% CDR will lead to rejection of the bid. Firm must have successfullv ted Solar System itc Puntping Machinery. Auto Sun Tracker along with accessories. having mere than O.S cusec discharge in p •t years also tnust be attached sales Tax returns, Income Tax returns and Financial audited Balance Sheet (AS appropriate). The bidders quote ids rates more than below on Engineer's Estimate shall submit additional security as per KPPPRA Notification No, S.R.0 1.24/2021-22. dated 10-05-2022. Bid security of the and 3rd lowest electronic bidder for specific work may be retained by the Department till one •oeck anet issuance Of LOA All thc bidders tr ust be register With the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. All the prevailing KPPRA Acts i Rules and other Government Notification will be applicable. issued from time to time. bunds release depends upon policy or Provincial Government; hence payment Will be madc accordingly. Bidder Contractor agreeing with the financial constraints in respect 01 payment etc are at liberty to participate in thc instant E-Bidding as no claim will be entertained in this regard. -m Last date & time ror Submission of the Bid along with relevant documents is 31-07-2024 up to 12:00 will be opened on thc same day at PM in the oftice or the undersigned in presence or Contractor and their representatives vsho jshes to attend, All Government notifications i rules D taxes implemented from time to time be applicable. Any further infonnation regarding the above tender can be obtained from of the undersigned on any working day poor opening datc The employer has the authority to reject any hid or all the bids assigning cogent reasons. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Gomal Zam Irrigation Division Dl Khan Address: Gomal Zam Irrigation Division Dl Khan opposite Peshawar High Court Circuit Bench Dl Khan Telephone & Fax No. 0966-9280336 (E-mail Add: [email protected]) O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 13 July, 2024
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