Social Security Hospital Sargodha Tender Notice for Procurement Of Equipment & Instruments , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DIRECTORATE OF SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTION, f 79-CHATHA TOWN, LAHORE ROAD, SARGODHA. TENDER NOTICE FOR PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT & INSTRUMENTS Seeurlgy ToMets I Bds supplfC" enosted mth PESSL Govt. oepertmenu arid supply or Me,ax.ol Equipment & ard soaal S«unty deaucte,d. Who have deposited re.nw.&bull-'l 'or Procurement Of Medical Equip&bullnuent lnstrutr.en&bullts SO The prewrement bi corn*ted in accord.txe Rules 2014. on &bull T'ie Tender dozurnervt &bulln wow a the *.rre rn&bully subsect to thc payment ct cost whlch is Rs. S"/&bull. Axument IS avaUöbte may be ot caers separatety seared S'nole contbit&bullt'ng Tech.roc.N dusty comøee&d. and ih canptete Ter&bulløet should Of Soggödh&bull. not Itter than A.M on last ot subcr.issa&bulln bids i.e. 03.08.2024$ anø bids opa-t'd 11:30 A.H on me san»e date, as peg PPRA C4 2% Of prEe (i.e.. RS. 165850/0 i.n rorm COR or bank guarantee in cornøletc conform'ty o' the Of the We&mdash27 PRA 2014. Bids wt'kh are inconv'ctc. not seated. mt SIA,ned and stam.ped&bdquo Late or subtNtte$ by other than will cc.nuereø&euro Income/S.aJes, Certificate and ether as &bulln Teguser oecument must pecornpaned the bld*. 2014 up TFteuoee:r con bc at stage as Rule 35 2014. tn date Of' date Of by day due to ShäU be deemed to date or and ano tense,vs The uroe &bullno v&bullmue snati sure. JPL.66f4 DIRECTOR MEDICAL ' 79-CHATHA TOWN, SOCIAL SECURITY O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 13 July, 2024
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