Project Implementation Unit Lahore Tender Notice for Social Marketing & Advertising Firm , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT (IWRPP) INDUSTRIES, COMMERCE, INVESTMENT & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) 1. The Gowrrnent of Punjab has received a from the Asian Devein-rent IADdJ, Paetofbe ban's fnæ,cihc Wil be used for hiring SOCAL FIRM" The Irostties, Wnmetce, Skins Oewlogment (ICI&SDI Depatrnentot Apncy (EAJ utile he Pr*ct Implernentatkyt I-hit (PIU} Wakfö&bullce Read:ress in Ptnjab (IWRPP) be tie Imøer&bull.entatjon Agency (IA}. The PIU has already been estabbshed that on ±half tre EA guide on. oversight. overal inwementation ard pedorrnæ)ce 0' tte 2. The Prop:t (IVRPPJ fnar,ce the c' 19 Centers of (COE) in existng TEVTA PTC i&bulltsttutes that wil deh&bullav high.qudi'ty dnard driverl Technical 8 Vocat:knd Education and TrSini&bulltg (TVETJ Be eight priceity eccoorric sectors mcqect outpo&bullts are described ±low Output t:Ouditi and reevarce of TVET gnorqy no:rric secb,rs improved. Output 2:Eqvtable w:ess to TVET increased. OLAput 3:WET sector insitutiord frnevat"k Strengthen4 ThS servk:e be reqired&bdquo but rot a mnethg straegy, Oeeeb*ing and irnpEmentat0Ƈ Of communetjm plan, dent'fying opp&bulltunites. and Dewbping a trulti&bullmedia md rrn.ltti-dwt:rel as a SOCIAL MARKETING & ADVERTISING FIRM. (Oetaikd scope CMS) 3. The PIIJ,IWfiPP hereby hvi±s EOI frem reputed nations Erms&bdquo The fm using he %data Technid Propose (BTP) crccedure based on the Consultant Qualification "ection ICQS) method æ&bulltd in &bullADB Procur Pcicy on GOCdS. Wct#.s, and Consultng md Procurement RewlaSons for ADB Borrowers on wo"s, consultng 31d Consultng ServÉes' Prebrrlinzy he assignment u given in Be tile belov Expert Inptl Pemn&bullmnths for key Of Assignment Method of (Denverable&bullBased, hternütent Experts (National} Months Basis) 48 Months CQS Expected date of Type of Cmsultancy 3RD Qnrter&bull2024 Consub.ancyfirm d, Social Marketing & Advertising ffm o' natcnal (key)experts The ten ccctSigtcd a natøna:l team leader w" Pad natimal key evens. The hterested demonstrated experience in relemt se,cwstfélds and of wctk The l) General Qu*ficabons Related Experience ii) OxseasCountyE ' ce shortlistrtgctitetia shal be used evaluation: 70 % weightage 15 % weightage 5. The EOItmstbe onhne ADS's Consultmt Mat'*mecjt System (CMSV The EO rnust subrrided usi:tg tte onfine CMS rot later 20 Access to the ortline Request tot Egression of Interest may be reached throt*t the lik to Consultant Rectutment Notceg (CSRN) at A EOI mustberegstered CMS. CMS registraionis accessBe at hlp&bullJart$ ctq Any proposed asseate frms. sub-tonsultm&. oc jcint venture partrers must also be registered it CMS. Any firm encountering technu in accessng CMS should request assistmce by email to IPL- 6629 Project Director Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Improving Workforce Readiness in Punjab Project (IWRPP) Industries, Commerce. Investment and Skills Development (ICI&SO) Department, Govt of Punjab Address 2994 New Muslim Town near Ayuba Market. Lahore, Pakistan Telephone&bull92 42 99232052 E-mail corn Website: https']fiwpp punjab.govgk O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 13 July, 2024
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