Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Rate Running Contract For Providing Machinery with man power during monnsoon season , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY #HumCDA (Road Division-III) OÄTA.L TENDER NOTICE The Capital Development Authority invites sealed bids from firms who are well reputed, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council having valid Registration Certificate in category C-6 or above valid for the year 2024-25 who can prove their eligibility and qualification as mentioned in the Bidding Documents for the following project. s. Name Of Work Rate Running Contract for Providing Machinery with Man Power during Earnest NIT Cost Money (Rs.) (Rs.) Tender Fee (Rs.) Monsoon season 2024 (Emergency Rs-230,OOOf- Rs-5,000/- Quick Response) for Islamabad Highway, Islamabad- Tender / Receiving & Opening Date/Time 3107.2024 (Tender Receiving up to 11.00 A.M & the Tender will be Opened At 11:30 AM) 1 Bidding documents are available on PPRA E-PADS portal and shall be purchased from the office of Deputy Director Road-III CDA Room No. 36 Old Naval Head Qupqer, G-6 Markaz, Islamabad upon submission of application with a non-refundable amount Five Thousand only) in shape of cash being a cost of the Bidding Documents during working hours %rbefore29.07.2024. 2, Only firms/contractors registered with PPRA ADS as vendors are eligible to purchase bidding documents. 3, Tender should be accompanied Bid Secur- nest Money (refundable) in the form of Pay order/CDRs in favor of Deputy Director-Road-lll, CDA. T ospective bidders shall upload scanned copy of Bid Security on E-PADS and original will be submitt the office of Dy Director Road-III, CDA along with the Tender application. 4, The prospective bidders ar befor required to submit their Bids online through E-PADS at ng date. Original bids in accordance with the provisions of Rule 36(a) of Public Procurement Rules 20 and terms & condition defined in the bidding documents must be submitted at the address mentioned b?'bvion or before 31.07.2024 at 11:00 AM. 5. The Bids will be opene ¯üblicly on the same day i.e. 31.07.2024 at 11:30 AM in the presence of Bidder's authorized Represe 'ves who choose to attend the opening session to be held at the office of Director Road (South), CDA, Ro 0.59 Old Naval Headquarter, Markaz G-6, Islamabad. 6. In case of totalbl mount is less than 10% below the NIT amount the bidder shall submit additional call as performance security equal to the difference between NIT amount and total quoted amount less than of NIT amount the additional performance guarantee shall be submitted along with the bid. Bid having the rates below 10% of NIT, without additional call deposit will be rejected. 7. The Firm providing unsubstantiated and/or incorrect information is liable to legal action and disqualification from the bidding. 8, The Authority reserves the right to rejectall the applications as per PPRA Rules 2004- 9, The Advertisement is also available on CDA and PPHA, s websites- Deputy Director Road-ill, CDA Old Naval Head Quarter Room # 59. G-6, Islamabad Ph: 051-9219719 O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) PIO(I) 315/24 from Nawaiwaqt dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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