Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Capacity tubewell at royal parks,, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WASA TENDER NOTICE TENDER NO.DDPjG3.REPLACEMENT OF BOREHOLE OF 2.CFS CAPACITY TUBEWELL AT ROYAL PARK, ANARKALI SUB DIVISION, LDA LAHORE 2. 3. 9. 12. 14. Watered Aeeocy tahoce Development Authority W.OÅ) the the from license from PEC in category C-6 or above With cedes (C.E•09 & Ct-10) registered FER and •REPLACEMENT OF BOREHOLE OF CAPACITY Tü8EWEUAT ROYAL PARK ANARKALI SUB DIVISION. Eidditt$ dccamens are avatbble immediately after public-aeon Rule 250)) in the omce ct the unders•ed stuted S9•F, Gulshan,e-Ravi. Lahore a corn*te set an Of *f'ittea addressed Deputy abn•e nenboned •ecumetts (h tang active filer FER & PRA ceranateand valid PEC in category C-60rabve speeahuuninccdes Ct•09 CE•IO) "d a fee ?akR140ÖO (Pik Rupees Fwr Only), shall be issued to aner by showing.ligoa] CMC and/ orta hasåag authority letter Bith neaten signature representaevt ot with Ch.lC dwamene can downloaded website E•teneetifi8 address; Single stage two envelope be (Technical & Finneial) prepue in l'"trudoas the Oocüneats mest se accompgaed a 3bdSecurityln the CDR tranamoafitcf 3% amount ngto Rs.284.OØ/•. date for p•rchase Of bidding OS' August 2024. tie (Technif*l & delverd 2024 at 12:00 P.M. 'The Technical in presence d the / Edders be ewened and gme representiMB to *l.idpate of toanciäl F'inadaJ bids Of Only tecbdany bluer wil be teth,tÄlly Edde:s Nibe retuned unopened bidders may reject all *oposab any tee to acceptance a bid % Rule 2014' tender not be *tepcea Mo televa*otby NO tender wdUbe issued oa Tendered rates and *odd be as w•el as [n weds and tenders should Signed as the tender In tze the toul tendered amwnt S equal to lestBat 5% (Five) Olthe approved estfÄ*ted (DStO arnC44 the bwetbU4et wit hat to deposit Qøahty Seauity / Additional performance Secv.ri7 from Bank difference betweeaappcoved ORIT arnwat Eid the =ou.rtt The tenderer up ete schedüüdjnditat,e the percent•nteaboge Ot below t" of rates •Scheduled Items• ea *tach be to each item of wartc premium will quoted Sy tte cctitntttt sort Scheduled / item rates fifing *Ech the be rejeaed In bs.t date d bld9BÄlSß0fi and in wOhit the the East Ute for us shall be the working "y, (Sana Fatima) DEPUTY DIRECTOR PROCREMENT IPL-6646 c e WS paper WASA, LDA, LAHORE u, from Jang dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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