Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice for Framework contract for the procurement of drugs,Medicines,MEDICAL DEVICES & SURGICAL DRESSING, Laboratory kits,chemical & Reagents, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SHEIKH ZAYED MEDICAL COLLEGE/HOSPITAL, RAHIM YAR KHAN. INVITATION FOR BIDDERS cotangcT C« o.gugs oq:sssngs & REAGENTS, REGISTUWC* vvoa«s UMIT'iD PURCHASE quauno,h OF "ED"CNES / SURGICAL CS.FOSIBLE trog acupq, .sux.u cg S.I*GiCALOtSPOS'SU qunjncanc« oar roo.Ayyæapocq l, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 2 S 1) 2) 3) Bid Reference NO- 02/2024/SZHR,Y, K, Sheikh Zayed College/HO$Oital. Yar invites Bids trechnecal & FinanciaO from Manufacturers,'Sole Agents Foreign Manufactures toe the of Meocines (inhalations / / infusions & fluids & oral dosage / Oosagg folrns}. Surgical Oispo:sable Medical etc Homver. the distributows / Pharmacies setup are eligible 'or participation 10*' the Pte-quaIincati0ifi / registration of vendors furthe limited / petty purcnase through. quotation o' ntewenes / Surgical devices / Of for the Of medicines / surgical disposable medical devices ete on day-to-day basis LPDO}. local purchase ot medicines swØcal disposable items (.e:akat financial 2024-25 on free del'W•eq to Cotuignee'send basis. Detailed technical along withmeaMjtiesofDn.ves/Mcdicines. Dvessimesetc.artgivonintheBiddingOocu;ments, Thebiuermustbidforentif@/totmqwamtity.Bid for putial quamtity straightway oerejecteu. Bidders Catt download the Bidding Ooc:urnents containing Item SpecMicati:OttS. Quantity. & Cot"ditions from the websites or PPRA Procummg Agenet's website as as wet; Of Healthcare & Ih•tedical the Closing date submission of bids. Bidding Shan be cotwucted througl Siftgve Stage - two Erwel•opes bidding proceeureatPunßb ProcuretnentRuves. 2014. The Shall be "TECHNICAL and legible with EnqueyNö. rovahichthep«oposalis PmosalofOidsfoundtechn•calty Shall be to the submitted separately for each quoted item. Interest<l bidders ntay get the b"lding doeurnents fi'om ådv•ised that each financial or this institution on sut*flission of Mltten application along with payment Of fee Of RS. • "w0 as schedule given below during •onong hours immewately after the publication of this "veniseg•nent The last date and time subtni:ss.ion is 01 "tich shall beooened on the samedate at 11:00 All bids be subrtUtted in Tape dåftding and AM. Bid teach in Of SZH. R,Y, sealed in AR documents Should contain page attached in sequence the Bidding signatures Of person, Motecrver. signing and stamping or each page ofB:idOVng OocumentsjFom•v is In the date S.ubtniSSiO:n and Opening is declared a public holiday by thegovefi'trnent due to reason. the next official working day and venue Shall remaili thesame. nukis jcsage fc«nsy. 01 to bethe date of submission amd opening odtendevsacco•dingty, the time oze aner can (f quoted quoted au' Purenase ChemtiC8 & R:eavß ine RS SOCOO/. cost quoted / tepatk<l pre-qualifk&0/Reøstratbfi NLira€d/P•et.ty 'tents ete be Punjab Rule 2014. & wie and Genetic "he bidder anach unhidden up to gid Security as ea:imated —o•sooed reader oocort•mts.. in the Of orørt/it•evoctbk aartk oeposn Recot Copy) Address -Office the Medie;;•• SZH, RNIKhat Phene 068/9230165 (E.Ä't. 101). IPE3-493 MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Sheikh Zayed Hospital. Rahim Yar Khan o Newspaper u, from Jang dated 13 July, 2024
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