Works & Services Department Karachi Tender Notice for Expansion & iMPROVEMENT oF Abbasi Shaheed Hospital To The Level Of Terlitary Care Hospital,Replacement Of Lift,Health management Systems, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER BUILDING DIVISION-II, WORKS AND SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2nd Floor, Stale Life Building No.3, Dr. Zia-uddin Ahmed Road, Karachi No E/TC/G-55/Buildings Div-II/W&S/2024-25/1841 Karachi, Dated: 12-07-2024 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Procuring Agency invites sealed bids on bidding documents in Single Stage &mdash One Envelope Procedure from all the interested bidders under SPPRA Rules 2010 (Amended upto date) for the following work. Sr. Estimated Cost Bid Cost of Bidding Complt: Name of Work Expansion and Improvement ot Abbasi Shaheed Hospital to the level of Tertiary Care Hospital with (j) Male Nursing School (II) Replacement of Lifts (07 Nos.) of Existing Building and (iii) Health Management Information System (Re-Revised) Ramp, C/Wall U.G.Tank & O.H.Tank (Remaining work) in Million Rs. 26.142 Security of Bid Amount Document Rs 3,000/- Period 12 Months 1. 2. 3. 4. Eligibility Valid PEC in C-4 specialized In relevant field. valid NTN Certificate. Valid SRB Certificate with Turnout Relevant Experience of work at least 05 Years PROGRAMME FOR ISSUE/RECEIPT AND OPENING OFTENDER Sr. # 2 Particular 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt (in case of unresponded tender) Last date of receipt of application and issuance of tenders after Publication of 30.07.2024 the NIT in newspaper (office hours any working day from undersigned office). Tender will be received at 10:30 A.M. and opened on ne day at A.M. 31407.2024 in office of the undersigned. 19-08-2024 20-08-2024 TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tender documents will be issued to the firm submission of application on their original along with Pay Order / Cash of Tender Cost irvfavour of Executive Engineer, Building Division-II, (W&S &epartment Karachi as mentioned above. 2% earnest money shall be scyb itied in shape of Call Deposit / Pay Order / Bank in original, from any scheduled Bank of Pakistan n ur of Executive Engineer, Buildings Division-II Works ervices Department, Karachi must be attached with thertender documents without which the tenders will be treat cancelled. The contractors must.@ention their complete and correct present postal address in tender documents & quote the rates both in words & in-figures. Incomplete / conditional tenders will not be accepted. In addition, the bidders must furnish the documentary evidence against each eligibility criteria as mentioned above otherwise their tender will summarily be rejected without consideration of their bid amoUnt. The tender can also be downloaded from SPPRA's website. Bid Validity Period go-Days. In case Government announces any public holiday on schedule dates/strike or due to any untowards incident, the tenders will be submitted/opened on the next working day with same time of submission and opening. 7. The procuring agency may reject all or any bid or proposal at any time prior to acceptance of a bid or proposal, subject to the relevant provision of SPPRA Rules. 8. In case of firm being partner, partnership deed, given full particulars of Directors/Proprietors or other information connected along with power of attorney. In case of being whole proprietor such under taking on affidavit is furnished. Affidavit to the effect that the firm is not involved in any court 9. case and that no work has been left by the firm incomplete. 10. An Affidavit to the effect that the firm/contractor is not black- listed by any executing agency should be enclosed with bid. 11. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and tenders submitted by the contractors who report canvassing will liable rejection, 12. Tenders will not be received after the scheduled time. The successful contractors whose tenders are accepted will pay through E-stamps challan of any scheduled National Bank of Pakistan Karachi on payment of E-stamps according to Schedule prescribed and sign the agreement. Executive Engineer Buildings Division-II, Works & Services Department Karachi INF-KRY: 2286/24 O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 13 July, 2024
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