Punjab Industrial Estates Development & Management Company Lahore Tender Notice for Tender,Security Supervisor,Motor Bike,Car,van,Mirror Metal Delector,Internal Communication Systems, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB INDUSTRIAL ESTATES DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY ORED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB INVITATION TO BID FOR PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES Contract # : PIE/P&ClSS124129 Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company set up under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 (Now Companies Act 201 7), established by Govt. of Punjab, to facilitate the industrial growth of Punjab. @We hereby invite the registered security companies to submit their bids (per month charges) for provision of security servvces I armed guards for all below mentioned P I EDMC industrial estates I projects for the period of one year on Single Stage Two Envelopes procedure as pet PPRA Rules 2014. Project wise &bull Requirements Services BIE RE VIE CABP B'NPIE QABP Remaüs &bull Armed securdy superjiscr (s) reside at Security Supewisor the paject sle (Retted Army JCO/Hevddar (Armed) or uvalentfrom armed forces Armed Security Guards 125 CC Motor bike not below Model 2020 (Honda I Suuki/ Yanuha below Model 2020 wfth armed driver. Hilux Single Cabin not below Model 2020 wfth armed driver. Mirror Metal Detector Internal Communication 22 2 2 10 30 4 2 12 20 2 12 10 2 01 03 20 3 10 53 3 5 ts &bull Retired personal fm armed iorcgs ncluding the Paramilitary Forces, Age Init(30-5é Years) &bull Each armedguardnustcaryaIleast20 bullets while on du &bull patrolling covering 3000 Kms in eech &bull Rates are induswe fuel 8 nantenarce &bull For patrolling. ccvatirg 3000 Kms neach month. &bull Carhar requredbr patrolling at CABP ict Itree months during wintadbggy season and replace 01 rnctottde &bull Rates areindusbje fue18 naintenne ch es &bull Fat patrolling, ccverirg 3500 Kms n each month. &bull Rates aehcbßiveofiue18 maintenne ch es &bull Fccuseatenfrygates &bull Internal Communication System at sites. Sets Sels Sels Sets Sets @Bidding documents are available at PPRA we, PIEDMC website ' -pk and EPADS Portal i.ehttp://punjab.é may be downloaded free ofcost. All bids must be accompanied by Bid security foreach@roject J' industrial estate of the amount as mentioned in bidding dccuments in the form of CDR/Pay from scheduled bank in Pakistan in favour cf Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Ma nagemefit Company. The bid Security must be attached in PDF format and submitted in original in Chief Office. The bid security amount of unsuccessful bidders will be returned on taking over the charge b)/küccessful security company Technical and Financial Separate bids,SduIy completed, signed, stamp and in complete conformity vith Tender Documents must be submitted online E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS) Portal i.e. 31stJuIy, 2024 by or before 03:00 PM and bids shall be opened at same date on PPRARules2C14. Bids thatareincomplete, - Signed and stamped, late, or submitted by other than specified mode willnotbe considered. Forbids submission -procurement, Biddersare requested to The selection will bé out on 'Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)" Criteria, All rates must be Inclusive of all applicable govt. taxes. Any bidder not fulfilling the eligibility criteria given in bidc ing documents Will be considered ineligible for bidding. Successful bidder will have tc submit performance guarantee in shape of bank guarantee @ 10% of the contract amount prior or at the time ofsigning ofcontract- Contract will be signed a week prior to the taking over of charge of duty, Note: PIEDMC management may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of bids or proposals as provided under Rule&bull3S of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014 (amended from time to time) CHIEF ENGINEER (PLANNING & CONTRACTS) Head Office: IPL-6628-C Comercial Area (North), Sundar Industrial Estate, Sundar &bull Raiwind Road, Lahore, Phone : 92 42 35297203-5 : 9242 35297207 URL: www.piecom.piq E&bullMail: [email protected] UAN: 042 {11 743 743 O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2ü24) from Nation dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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