Thq Hospital Chak Jhumra Tender Notice for Stationery,Machinery Computer,It Equipments,Office Stationery,,Purchase Of Machinery,Computer iTEMS,Furniture, Laboratory,Printing Items,Dental Items,Procurement Of Medical Gases,pathology, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THQ HOSPITAL CHAK JHUMRA TENDER NOTICE The Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Chak Jhurnra invites sealed bids from eligible bidders/ firms/agencies of good repute with financially sound background for the supply of below mentioned iterns on annual framework contract basis during financial year 2024-2025. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. Description Purchase of Medicines, Surgical & Disposables Items BulWSSP (UHI Patients) FY (2024-25) Day to DayiE urement ofDialysis medicine, surgical & Consumable items framework contract basis for FY (2024-25) cement of Pathology Laboratory Items & Regent Kits on mework contract basis for FY (2024-25) ent of General (COS/Others) Store Items framework tract basis for FY (2024-25). rocurement of Printing items on framework conuact basis for Y (2024-25) Estimated cost 30 Million 10 Million 10 Million 5.5 Million 4.5 Mi rocurement of Stationery items on framework contract basis for 1 Y (2024-25) urema'tt Of Items framework contract sis for FY (2024-25) urement of X-Ray Films and Chemical Items on fram ntraet basis for FY (2024-25) urement of Dental mat<ial and Instruments Items on mework contract basis for FY (2024-25) *rocurcment of Medical Gases Items on framework contract basis Mi Million 01 Million Bid security of the esgirnatcd cost of thc estimaged of the e.sornated of the estitmted eost estio»ted or thc orthe estirnaced orthe estinuted ce»t estin»ted Last date and time of Tender Submission 29-07-2024 up to 10 am 29-07.2024 up to 10 am 29-07-2024 up to 10 am 29-07-2024 up to 10 arn 29.07.2024 29-07-2024 up to 10 am 29-07-2024 upto IOam 2947-2024 upto 10 am 29-07.2024 upto 10 29-07-2024 01 Million 10. or FY (2024-25) Tender opening date and ti me 2024 at 12 pen. 29-07-2024 at 12 07- 2024 at pm. 07.2024 at 12 p:m. 07-2024 07-2024 at 12 9-07-2024 at 12 pm. 9-07.2024 at i 2 prn 07-2024 at 12 pmv 07-2024 at 12 pm. Bidding shall be conducted through Open gocnpetitive Bidding (Single Stage-Two Envelope) specified in the Punjab Procurement Rules 20i4.@amcnded Mar 2019), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding document. 2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain i ing documents and from the office of undersigned on subrnission of written application along with payrnent of non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000/— only. Bidding documents are available tilJ29-07-2024 up to 10:00 am. 3. Bidding documents are also availabl' on Punjab Prcxuremcnt Regulatory Authority Website until the closing date for submission of bids. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. Separate fee and bidding documents are required for every Item. Sealed Bids must delivered to thc above office address on cr before 29 - 07-2024 at JO:CX) am and must be accompanied by a Bid Security valid for 180 days as atxyvc in the form of CDR. Pay Order. Demand Dram Bank&'s Cheque from a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favor Of MS THQ Hospital Chak Jhumra Bids will be opened in the presence of bidder or their authorized representatives who choose to attend at I I p.m. in office of undersigned on 29.07.24. bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiations are expected. The agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time pricr to acceptance ofa bid or proposal. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any bidders the grounds for its rejection ofall bids or proposals. but shall not required to justify those grounds. Taxes will be deducted as per applicable government nales. Active NTN and Sales Tax registration certificate must be provided. contract made by any higher authority may partially or fully revoke the tender prcxess at once. 10. The For obtaining any furthcr information. List of items clarifications. please contact thc below mentioned address: MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT IPL-6641 THQ HOSPITAL CHAK CHUMRA O Newspaper ( 13 Jul, 2024) from Naibaat dated 13 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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